Homemade glass


Well-Known Member
Well, after breaking some bongs and feeling depressed about it, I spent more time trying to make my own glass bong. I used a glass drill bit and drilled a hole in a glass beer bottle. For the bowl I found a chess piece with an excellent form of a bowl on the bottom. I heated the top part, dropped it in water and I almost had a bowl, I drilled a small hole. I plugged the bowl piece in a wooden ball (I had lots of these, always used it for holding the bowl). For the stem I found small glass tube from a kaleidoscope. Drilled holes, emptied the colored pieces. So now its a glass bong with 9 hole diffuser. The bowl slides off. Used a small transparent rubber grommet. Fully Airtight ;)

Just wanted to give you some insight, Maybe convince people from using plastic and all kinds of shit.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why the downstream goes straight forward instead of up? How will you put water in that?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why the downstream goes straight forward instead of up? How will you put water in that?
Zoom in on the picture. The downstem is parralel to the bootle, but once it is in, it goes down at like 50 degree angle. And you just have tu tilt it backwards a bit (which usually everyone does with a bong) so it's all good. If you want I can fill it up and take a pic.


Well-Known Member
shit fill it up and take the pic bro..... bong ripping bong bong ripping
scuse me for shitty phone pics. Friend of mine bent the tube a bit with a blowtorch, so now the bowl is in better position. 01012009680.jpg


lol man u are one cheap son of a bch why not devote some money to this hobby u spend ur life on?that being said I made many abong myself , drilling w. a diamond carbide, the sht. I used females from broken bongs of the past tho, then drilled a hole in a patron bottle big enough for the female, fit PERFECT no leak glass on glass cuz I even grinded in a slight angle.. took mad skill.hits really smooth, added many holes to the long 5inch showerhead downstem.. I had it in a huge handle of captain before, but I thought it was too much air. in the patron its like perfect, but I don't like that I cant add ice .. like whats 400 bucs for a nice custom piece of glass w/ mad diffusion and ice catch n art.. like that dude I want to get one from is named like... fck.....uh...like APIXDESIIGN.. the time lapse in those "...."was like 4 minutes, dam that was mad annoying couldn't think of it lulz