Home Depot Soil and Nutes?

Ricky Williams

Active Member
I'm gonna be starting a outdoor grow here in the next month or so. I was just wondering what soil and nutes would someone recomend from somewhere like home depot that I could swing by and pickup. Only if you have used them before and had good results. Thanks for any input. -RW:bigjoint:


Active Member
I do all my indoor shopping there (minus my lights) I am starting my first outdoor grow around the end of feb, beginning of march. It will be a GG, so I have to be crafty. I am only worried about deer, everything else SHOULD be a walk in the park. I have had great success indoors, and using new methods that some hate on, but others are curious. I always say use the KISS method. Keep It Simple and Stupid. Depending on the region you grow in, you may not need soil. I am not fucking with soil, just clones, and seedlings. If you are in a legal state, you can get REAL crafty. I would say use MG, it has been working wonders for me. Be close to water, again, if its in your back yard, its different than what I am going to have to do. There is indoor flower shop where I live, which KNOWS what you use their products for. They help me out, but a lot of it is going to be trial and error. Everyone and there brother will give you their opinion, and claim everyone else's opinion is wrong and will never work. My advice, get as much knowledge from all around, and build your own opinion. Someone who grows in southern cali outdoors will not work the same as in the carolinas. Best of luck, I hope I helped a bit.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow? I heard someone on here bashing it a while back. I forget why. Anyways thanks for the advice. +rep
I have used MG in past years and there's nothing wrong with it. don't listen to who ever, for they are just passing useless info on from what they probably read somewhere. MG actually is PH balanced which is what MJ needs as you know. some types og MG have time released nutes. I used to mix MG garden soil with MG potting soil (50/50 mix) and my plants thrived in it. I do all organic now a days and have excellent results there too, but it's a little more $$$. Hope this helps!

Ricky Williams

Active Member
Ok cool. I guess I will roll with MG. Yeah I think the guy was bashing it because it already had nutes in it and it ended up burning his plants. Anyways I go with the organic and see how it turns out. Thanks for the advice.


Active Member
I bought these nutes from home depot (schultz 10-15-10) and you can use them outside. It gives all the directions you need and it was only 5 or 6 bucks. My plants love it!

loaded dervish

Active Member
I had the same question as you i am thinking about starting my seeding out in mg organic. I will dig my holes outside and put scotts potting soil in the holes. From what i hear that whould be the best. You want no nutes when you first start your plants off.


Well-Known Member
I used lots of soil and ammendments from home depot, steer and chicken manure. kellogs ammend and compost and a couple other things roto-tilled into my clay soil with 4 big bags of good soil and have ahad excellent results!