Home built cabinet 70w hps +55w cfl


New Member
Hello growers,I'm doing my first ever cab grow and I figured i would post it here for all of you to to see how it progresses. Now this is the first time ever growing in a space so small I'm used to the great outdoors with natures hps/mh bulb in the sky, but I have done A LOT research I even went and got Cervantes grow bible so here's hoping for the best given my low wattage restrictions and not being able to afford the LED lights I want, so with introduction outta the way here's what i got my fellow growers.

Cabinet dimensions= 21"w x 21"d x 31"h - 26" from floor to bulb.

Lights= 70w hps and 55w cfl 2700k

Strain= Bagseed sativa (Grower told me it's a Jamaican strain that he brought over from Jamaica in the 60's) It's heirloom whatever it is LOL

Medium= Organic soil mix "home made" going to buy MG organic mix for transplant

GROW PLAN= I'm doing 12/12 from seed as my research suggests that sativas respond better to it than indica varieties, also I'll be using the SCROG method to attempt to control height and open the canopy to more light.I'm hoping for a couple of oz but I'm guessing I'll be lucky to get an oz with my low wattage, also I'll be posting pics as soon as these lil girls break soil (warning they may be poor quality as I have a crappy camera).

Suggestions are always welcome and taken into consideration so gimme your best people!---------I do have one question for all of you out there---What kind of harvest weight is possible with the size of my cabinet if I could provide optimal growing conditions?



Well-Known Member
Good luck friend. What about ventilation? Got some pics of your setup?

In that space I reckon you could get more than 3 ounces if you know what you're doing.


New Member
Ooops I knew I forgot something in my description LOL! For ventilation I use 2 30cfm computer fans one blowing into the box one pulling air out. During testing my temps stayed in between 75-80 (From what I understand that's about perfect) I can't give you humidity cause i don't have a hydrometer yet. Sorry no pics yet but I should be able to post some soon, I'll give it try later today.


New Member
Ok guys picture time! Hopefully this will get a few more on lookers. I know my wires are a bit awry but I have cure for that I'm just not worried about it until the girls come up.
P.S. please don't make fun of my coffee can reflector I'm poor



Active Member
Hey!! Good start!!
Temps are fine yeah, but humidity is a bitch, it changes from a minute to another sometimes!!
Never underestimate the hps (even 70w) of an hps!! +cfl for side lighting and you'll be fine!
I've seen guys pulling out 2-4 oz's in your space!!
With 12-12 though, about 1.5 would be optimum!!



New Member
Thanks cool dude, I'm thinking about adding a second cfl but we'll see how it goes first and once I get a crop to see how things go I was thinking about building a mother/clone cab and run a perpetual grow to harvest once a month, but for now I'm just gonna focus on the lil girls.

BTW 1.5 oz would last me 6 weeks give or take. I'm looking to never run out of medicine that's why I was curious about the harvest weight.


New Member
Cooldude even if I were to grow more than I needed I would just give it to family & friends who also use it as a medication I don't look at it as source of money but as a source of medicine, share the love ya know?:bigjoint:


New Member
Update time! so the girls are a lil' over a week old and I think they're looking pretty good, they look yellowed in the pic but I assure you they're not, anyway I'm pretty sure they are both from the same smoke but one shows indica like traits and the other sativa like traits....different phenotypes maybe? or have I been had by the previous grower? still too early to tell I think but lemme know what your thoughts are on that...
Thanks fellow growers, Blackdeth


New Member
Ok folks new update I decided to transplant them early which did give them a lil shock but they recovered very quickly their growth didn't even seem to slow I also added the cfl in bringing me up to a total of 125w, but there's a bad part something happened to the receptacle my box was plugged into and the lights were out for about 24hrs. So when I brought the lights back on I decided to say f*ck it and go with an 18/6 light schedule (I know bad idea) so I'm hoping they don't hermie on me assuming they're even females but this run was more to get my box running smoothly that a strait up balls out grow. I plan on buying top quality genetics for that!

picture055.jpgpicture057.jpg couple quick pics of the girls:bigjoint:


New Member
hey all update time again! the girls are looking good growth seems to be coming along quite nicely. for some reason they are a light green on the tops i don't think it's a nutrient problem so i backed them away from the light a lil... if that don't work then nutrient change it is!.....btw ph is in good range so i know that's not it. here's a quick pic of the for ya


New Member
Well I'm either doing good or bad with this grow cause I notice I'm really the only one posting here or it could just be that I'm new to you guys LOL. I will take any input though just because I've done alot of research and I've grown smoke before I really have no idea what I'm doing in a small space like this.

Thanks guys, Blackdeth

Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
You really complaining bra? I post whored the hell outta my grow thread. Hang in there and keep your mind right. We're right here with you.


Active Member
Haha!! Black, Spanky's is right!! I did the same thing in my 1st run and I keep doing this in my current also!!
If noone is posting it means you're good, because most of us Stealth guys are lurking around everyday and won't calm down if we don't read every single updated thread in the Micro/Stealth section!!
Also, keep in mind that you're doing this for yourself also!! You'll understand when you're in your 2nd run, that every progress you post here really helps yourself compare things, dates, growth, prevent previous mistakes, etc.!
So chill and smoke sthn with all of us!! :bigjoint:


Cheers mate!


New Member
Thanks guys! I'm gonna bug you guys again though. What are the chances of getting a "pure" strain in some bagseed? cause of my girls looks like a pure indica the "fingers" of the leaves are so wide they overlap and even though she may not be budding yet she reeks up my whole room. The reason why I ask is cause all the bagseed I have ever grown is definitely hybrid or just mutt weed lol. Adding a few pics in hopes they're a better quality and you guys can see what i'm talkin about

IMG_20140211_211557.jpgIMG_20140211_211738.jpg these second pics are of the the plant not in questionIMG_20140211_211632.jpgIMG_20140211_211747.jpg


Well-Known Member
One of them looks a little droopy...maybe over/under watered? Looks awesome though dude!! That coffee can has MAD SWAG!!!! Maybe switch out the 2700k cfl for a 6500k? to have full spectrum or whatever...hps for reds and cfl for blues. If you want to work with sativas this might be a good idea..the blue to lessen the
sss-ttt-rrr-eee-ttt-ccc-hhh. food for thought anyway. keep it up!! I'm hoping for indica doms out of my seeds..short, squat, compact as fook, and leave for an extra 2 weeks to get the heavy, HEAVY stone.

also, are those peppers you're growing in the back there too? I ahve seen guys pull mad bonsai type shit with peppers..super fun to try...check it>>>>
peppertrain.jpgshows how to do this..looks easy enough.


New Member
@ not4n->Yeah she was lil thirsty at the time I took the pics but she's all good now man! I tried my hardest to find a 6500k bulb but I live in a small area and alas it could not be found so I had to settle, as far as the strain preference I'm an indica man with the exception of jack herer and even that is only about 60% sativa dominate (I think?).....Yes there are some peppers and some tomatoes along with lettuce and mustard greens...The peppers(habanero) were started for the soul purpose of making bonsai lol kinda funny you mentioned it!