Holy @#$%


Well-Known Member
i am being raided in 8 hours and i have lots of pot and shit laying everywhere and i live in town and its daylight and i have hydo set ups in my room and shed and we have heaps of stuff and if anyone can help me plz do cos i 'm so fucked i'm freaking out so bad how do we hide move all the stuff i dont care what happens to it. if i have to smash it i will idk but if we get caught we r so fucked plz reply


Well-Known Member
Are you fucking insane? Get the fuck offline and go get EVERYTHING out of your house and shed. The growing equipment can just be carried out - they can't arrest you for growing equipment, no matter how obvious it is. The actual pot and plants, etc (anything illegal including bongs w/ resin, etc.) should be carried out in duffle bags (hidden in any way possible), and taken ANYWHERE away from your house. Even if they see you doing all of this and follow you, they can't do shit about it except maybe get another warrant for THAT house (which would take more time). Oh and obey EVERY driving law when transporting this shit, because the cops will play dirty if they can.

Get moving. Personally, I hope this is a shitty joke. If not, then take a few deep breaths and get your ass in gear. At least beat as many of the charges as possible (growing and distribution are way worse than just possession).


Well-Known Member
That's pretty handy how they give you some warning :confused: How do you know when you're getting raided? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose?

Fungus amOnguz

Well-Known Member
id bet a lot that this is a lil bitta bullshit, but jus get anything to do with the actual plant out, but be fuckin clean, ya ever see the show monk on usa channel, its time to get ya ocd game on, theyll get ya for a tiny nuglet stuck in the carpet if theyre actually gunna raid ya
get out anything u smoke with (thats been used)
you woodnt kno if ur getting raided, they woodnt waste their time to serch a clean house
id leave ya grow setups lol they cnt do shit and that'll be a bitch settin it all up again
make sure they have a warrant b4 u let em in, no matta what they tell u, they need a warrant, prob in ur bets interests to let em in if ya clean tho


Active Member
idk man this is the second time i have seen this thread today lol i live in WA and we get 12 hours warning for minor raids is that what this is ?


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH damn at least u go fair warning. i deconstructed my grow room and disposed of everything within 3 hours. i was also working at a slow pace and not under the stress of a raid in 8 hours. u cant blame anyone if u get caught and get 8 hours notice. thats a fucking godsend! start flushing, transporting and digging holes lol.good luck bro!


Well-Known Member
Its all over, all of it and yes in aus if its a minor raid ( anythink from a pipe to personly grow pot in minor) they have to ring u and tell u they will be there in 12 hours but the trick is they use private numbers and they try and call ur house phone when ur at work, when i carmed down abit, i got my freind to come with his van ( thanks for the idea person in other thread) loaded everythink in it and then 2 hours later they came they whent easy and done with, i was freaking out for nothink


Well-Known Member
It is too late for you, but for the future, here is what I do. In my backyard shed I ALWAYS have a rocket fueled up and ready to go. The shed's roof is actually just a tarp so the the instant I smell trouble, I load all my lights, plants, nutes, Ph testers, TDS testers, this computer, any seeds, fans, lighters, pipes, bongs, clones, rooting solution, co2 tank, Fox Farm dirt bags, and rolling papers into it and then rip the tarp off the roof and then I light the fuse on that mother and point it towards Canada and IGNITION!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!

It is a Win-Win situation because some crazy Canuck gets some free grow supplies and I stay out of jail. Can't beat that.

I hope that helps.



Well-Known Member
dude i read this forum this morning man, you are lucky. good luck and i would wait about a week or so to put plants back in there.