Holy Smoke Malawi Gold Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
The Desert winds known as the Santa Ana's are blowing and it was 90 degrees today and zero percent humidity. I watered the whole yard twice and it just evaporated in minutes. It is still in the 80s to high 70s at 11 pm! The winds were whipping around some of the little scraggley branches so I just cut them off. They are way to early but they needed to be removed so I will see what I can do with the little flowers on them.

I had to prep my trim area by removing the dry buds from a few days ago. They were ready for jarring (yes Sub, the stems cracked :) ).

I have a few jars ready. Small, Medium, and Large Ball jars:

Here are the removed branches in the collection basket:

Triim area prepped:

Patient ready:



Trimmed (and bagged for Matt Rize - hehe) - not to bad for early larf:

That was fun. There were a couple of lady bugs and that was it! Smells like cedar and weed. Some of the buds are extra gooey with more of a sap type covering instead of trichs - wierd :P It is still pretty airy. I hope this fills in in the next month. I wish there were some good macro shots of what I should expect from a finished Malawi.

Cheers and TGIF,


Active Member
you really gotta let that shit finish id say another 3 weeks. those long hairs gota receed into the bud. maybe dec 1st harvest on the malawi gold.


Well-Known Member
I plan on letting them go until they finish. These were just scraggle I removed while gardening. These were very whispy long branches that were whipping around in the wind. Still, they have some nice frost for such young buds :) Need to get some bubble bags!


Well-Known Member
90 degrees again today and bone dry. I jumped in the pool in my clothes because I got overheated while gardening. Watered, fed, plucked dead leaves, moved some branches to increase sun and air exposure, squished 2 bug eggs and changed the batteries in my wireless thermometer.

Waited until dark to go back outside and take some pictures. I had an audience of two young Raccacoons. Those masked faces kept popping out of the bushes to see what I was doing.

Here are the pics I got:

Big Clone:




Well-Known Member
We do have clear skies here Mo, but the temps are nearly hitting zero over here. Crispy crispy fresh!!! I am sure those ladies are going to fatten up over the coming weeks. Have a nice Sunday!
Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Here is the smoke report -

I take a hit and %*& gfhu uherp[ uruhu ee uf;o ou oiuddn8nvnmf i uh s vhuuh ...................................................o_O




Well-Known Member
Dam crazy large outdoor grow. I would be worried about getting ripped or busted unless you are a caregiver. In for the smoke report on this.


Well-Known Member
This grow was not meant to be this big! But I am glad because it is not done yet and I could lose a bunch to PM or bugs or weather or...


Well-Known Member
I have some Malawi Gold from Malberry in the vault...I'm hopin to get anything as beautiful as yours my friend I look forward to the final smoke report...kudos thus far!!!



Well-Known Member
90 degrees again today and bone dry. I jumped in the pool in my clothes because I got overheated while gardening. Watered, fed, plucked dead leaves, moved some branches to increase sun and air exposure, squished 2 bug eggs and changed the batteries in my wireless thermometer.

Waited until dark to go back outside and take some pictures. I had an audience of two young Raccacoons. Those masked faces kept popping out of the bushes to see what I was doing.

Here are the pics I got:

Big Clone:


Damn they are Beasts! Go big or go home. Oh wait your already at home :). Submit some of those pictures to one of the Magazines. They sure as hell flower very long.You mentioned they were Landrace Sativa right?


Well-Known Member
Landrace Sativa right?
That is what the page said on Attitude's Site - Malawi Gold 100% Landrace Sativa.

Got some trellis netting and put it on the WOG. Had some left over so I stuck it on the Big Clone.

I was surprised to see some seed pods popping on the Mainlined Mulanje!

Big Clone:


Seed pods:



Well-Known Member
Beautiful Mo. Interesting with the seed pods. I assume you have not seen any nanners?


Well-Known Member
Hey DST - No nanners - I pollinated these buds with pollen from the MozPoz male. So now I will have Mulanje X Mozambique Poison. The Mulanje has a slight skunk/pepper/cheese smell so I am looking forward to see what these seeds produce :)


Well-Known Member
Aaah, gotcha. Christ my memory is pants. I now remember when you pollenated.:) ho yum tum te dum.