Holy shit Mitt Romney is retarded!

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
samwell: you're gay, he wins.

that's how it works when you don't come from the party of intolerance.
if not being able to be part of the GOP that stand up for legit rape or any other weird and retarded thing that say, rejection of gay marraige, . . .. birth control is murder . . .Bill Nyes rejection of creationism theory can start hurricanes . . . . . .makes me gay then i guess i am


Well-Known Member
if not being able to be part of the GOP that stand up for legit rape or any other weird and retarded thing that say, rejection of gay marraige, . . .. birth control is murder . . .Bill Nyes rejection of creationism theory can start hurricanes . . . . . .makes me gay then i guess i am
you're gay, he wins.

huh . . . . . .is that what you really wanted to say
wait, now he's gay. you win.


Active Member
I'm sitting here in awe of his retardation. I feel bad for him, dude is going to be destroyed by Obama this election, I don't even think it'll be close.. As dumb as most Americans are, this guy is Capt. Idiot! He makes most Americans look good! One minute he says one thing, 5 days later he says the complete fuckin' opposite and it all depends on his audience! Republicans, you should be ashamed, how this guy made it this far is embarrassing!

Holy shit, wow!
You're stupid, but I agree to an extent.

First and foremost, every politician lies. Get over it; learn it; live it. Obama, and Romney, and EVERY single president in the last 20 years has stood on the podium and lied straight to Americans faces, and then flip-flopped later.

Secondly, if you think him changing what he is saying is "retarded", than what about Obama stating the exact same promises he did in 2008 and wasn't able to keep, but as goals this election? I personally think campaigning off the same FAILED campaign, is obviously MORE RETARDED than changing your future one. Again, OBVIOUSLY, things would be different if Obama even was able to keep 1/2 of his promises. Rather, according to his own 2008 campaign, his "thing", should be a 1 term deal. Romney just happens to be the best option of the 2 parties (God help us)

On second thought, all of you could vote for me, much like I'm planning on doing, and maybe I'll hit the #1 independent for my state :) Love God, Love Life but Do Not Love Tyranny

~Easy does it