Holy Crap


Active Member
Hi, AT First look the spots could definitely be a severe nitrogen deficiency (possibly complicated by pH issues) So because they are in flower are you using ANY nitrogen in your nute mix? (I use a tich of Earth Juice Grow in my flower nutes to help keep the leaves making food for the plant as it flowers). It leads to healthier photosynthesis and in turn higher 'sugar' content in the plants cells for it to use which will make for a healthier plant.
I agree with the other post though....what are the details of your gro? Frequency of watering, type of nutrients and frequency of feedings. Doing any testing? pH? Etc.? Avg. Temp and Humidity?
Have you had any Powdery mildew issues recently? If so did you treat the mildew with anything? Just taking a shot here. Would like to know more...Happy gardening! GrowIT!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Like to killed a batch of clones trying to use that stinky deodorized (my ass) Alaskan fish emulsion. Watered them twice with just a touch of the stuff. Still not sure they are going to make it. Turned the bottom leaves brown and crispy. Still a little green but not much.



I'm using 1000 watt hps
I fed them with bud candy 4 days ago... They seemed ok until this afternoon. My water is Brita water
I grow in miracle grow cactus and citrus
3 gallon pots I believe
this is their 50th day of flowering
I'm pretty worried the problem is to severe to fix


Also, I do no testing, I don't have money for meters right now.
Low temp of 58-60
high of 74-76
RH is around 30%
I water every 3-5 days, as the soil drys I usually just guess and gauge it
I've had no mildew or anything of the sort
sorry if I seem so short, all I have is my iPhone now