Holy crap, I can't understand how to use Timer


Active Member
Jeez, I must be stupid, but I can't make heads nor tales out of this Sun Leaves brand timer. No directions came with it, only a sticker on the back. The first step says this "Push down the joint slices according to the working duration of the household appliance you need". WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS MEAN!! What, slices of pies? I see no SLICES of any damn thing. There is a timer wheel, a sliding red button on the right side, nothing written on the button at all, nothing written anywhere else. What in God's name do they mean by "Joint slices", what, someone sliced up a joint? I could stomp this thing into a million bits. JOINT SLICES? I turned the wheel to 12, then plugged in my HPS, and after 12 hours it didn't shut the light off. Maybe I didn't wait long enough. I can hear it clicking as it turns, and it seems to be turning with the time properly, but I can't believe they wouldn't put some rational instructions with this thing, at least tell me what the hell the red switch on the side is for, put some damn writing on it saying something. Anyone here who might understand this thing and teach me?


Active Member
if its like the one i have each tab equal 15 min. push the ones u want for the light on down make sure its at the time of day u want on the dial. lights off time taps stay up very simple


Active Member
I see no tabs. Just a red switch on the side with two positions. It has a dial I can turn to put it on a time. Nothing to push down that I can see. Man, i hope someone can help

if its like the one i have each tab equal 15 min. push the ones u want for the light on down make sure its at the time of day u want on the dial. lights off time taps stay up very simple


Active Member
NOW I SEE THEM!! the little black things behind the dial. Now O get it. The instructions say for continuous use, slide the switch on the side to (I). I see no letter I anywhere on or near the button. Maybe I am not so dumb, because when I push the switch, a little peg comes down behind the switches, so it must push them back to off when it passes by, so I suppose that I need to have the switch where the peg is up, so it won't push the buttons off, which would make it work constantly.

Thanks much. I now have this baby set. Just forget you ever saw this post.