Hola Amigos


New Member
Hey everyone, I've been lurking for a couple of weeks and decided to join. I'm 27yo female. I use pot for recreational purposes and I am just starting to grow my own and have one in veg stage right now. I'm sure I'll have alot of questions along the way. But right now I'm just curious a few things, say you're new to an area (in an illegal state) and you have no connections, what do you do? How do you make a connection? My problem is I only have 1 connection and it's just really bad stuff. I've known this person my whole life which is how I know them and I recently found out they were a user also so it worked out because the same time I found out is when my only source I had was moving out of state. I'm just curious if anyone has been in this situation and how you were able to find someone without risking getting busted or anything. Also have been lurking around the seedbank boards and would like to know a few things about ordering from them. Is it safe to pay with your debit/credit card? Like how does it show up on your bank account? Can you get in trouble for buying seeds and receiving them through the mail? They won't be mailed to my house they will be mailed to a friends (vacant) house with a fake name. Is that a good idea? Just don't want to risk getting busted. Looking forward to any response this may get lol


Active Member
sometimes you gotta just take a chance. Do you live in a city/downtown area or do you go to college? college is always an easy place to find buds, usually the people who smoke cigarettes, try having a conversation with somebody that leads up to pot.. just try not to look suspicious or anything lol and good luck. Also dont tell anybody your real name or where you live if you dont know em and no money until u see product!

A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
I used to visit a couple of neighborhood beer bars. Make a few aquaintences. Spot peeps who go to the parking lot a lot. Look for peeps coming in who are obviously ripped. Shouldn't take long.


New Member
Yea I live in BFE pretty much, I'm not in school or anything (maybe I need to take a class or 2 lol) and I don't hardly ever go out to bars anymore there's only one nearby otherwise I'd have to drive a good ways. I MIGHT have a connection for some chronic (I have never tried by the way) so we'll see how that pans out....In the mean time I will just hope my plants do good!