HMM.... So there was no wiretapping going on really?


Well-Known Member
Still no evidence when I see some I'll be right there next to you denouncing it. However with this wiretapping stuff there's definitely something fishy going on now I didn't believe it before. However with what Nunez said today there might be something there.
what nunes said today means that there was a warrant out on the top level members of the trump campaign.

do you think paul manafort played "a very limited role for a very limited time" in the trump campaign, cool2BUM?


Well-Known Member
what nunes said today means that there was a warrant out on the top level members of the trump campaign.

do you think paul manafort played "a very limited role for a very limited time" in the trump campaign, cool2BUM?
I think Manaford's an idiot. But if he did anything wrong he should go to jail for sure. I do not think there was a warrant I think they use other means to get the signal intelligence then they unmasked the names without justification and widely spread it throughout the intelligence community that shit is shady


Well-Known Member
but did he play "a very limited role for a very limited time" in the trump campaign?

stop squirming and answer the simple question, you dimwitted bitch.
I don't remember exactly which month he was removed but I think it was a good thing because honestly without Kellyanne I don't think Trump would be president. I don't think his role was limited , However if he really was colluding with the Russians I think we would've seen a lot more evidence by now. Especially seeming every bloody news agency was looking for evidence.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember exactly which month he was removed but I think it was a good thing because honestly without Kellyanne I don't think Trump would be president. I don't think his role was limited , However if he really was colluding with the Russians I think we would've seen a lot more evidence by now. Especially seeming every bloody news agency was looking for evidence.
oh, you mean the same paul manafort who was paid by the kremlin to run a highly documented disinformation campaign in ukraine for the benefit of putin? that manafort?

thanks for at least admitting trump sent spicer out there to lie about his own campaign manager who propelled him to victory in the republican primary and ran the entire show from march until august.

you're incredibly stupid. trump is tied closer to manafort and flynn and stone and sessions than nixon ever was to the watergate clowns. this is gonna be bad.


Well-Known Member
has anyone told manafort or flynn or sessions or stone or page that those who roll over first will get the comfiest prison cells?
I guarantee Democrats and disgruntled Republicans will offer immunity to whoever talks.

That's way better than a potential treason charge, by many many times.

Tell a few truths, take whatever dirty money you got and move to the Bahamas.


Well-Known Member
I guarantee Democrats and disgruntled Republicans will offer immunity to whoever talks.

That's way better than a potential treason charge, by many many times.
well, in the last half hour, nunes' democratic counterpart on the house intelligence committee, adam schiff, just stated that "there is more than circumstantial evidence now" of direct collusion between trump and russia.

before now, it was just "circumstantial" evidence.

i'm guessing that the "incidental monitoring" that nunes ran to trump about this morning means something along the lines of "they wiretapped putin and incidentally picked up trump".
