hits from the bog ...


Active Member
im on the bog taking a hit but i lost my spilff somewhere!!

post ur hits and troubles from the bog and lets get this shit party going.

this is me having a poop lookingy half spliff that just dissapeaed into thin air


Well-Known Member
In B4 mainliner troll thread fail...
Whats this thread aboot again

Today I learnt to tell the difference between the Canadian and the Californian accents ...lol

much has be listened little has been learnt until today

and I still can't find my cd on learning to speak like a new yorker

that to has been stolen and including my kiddie pools

now I must lock every thing away these fucking thieves around here
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Well-Known Member
View attachment 4229711
Whats this thread aboot again

Today I learnt to tell the difference between the Canadian and the Californian accents ...lol

much has be listened little has been learnt until today

and I still can't find my cd on learning to speak like a new yorker

that to has been stolen and including my kiddie pools

now I must lock every thing away these fucking thieves around here
Though I'm a native born Socal, I can teach you to speak like a Bronx goombah fairly quickly