Hillary; Jesus says so


Well-Known Member
that's right and part of what makes us american is to be able to do as we see fit without retribution.

my personal decision is to respect the flag.

i grew up that way.
me too. but I don't want my neighbor arrested for feeling differently. his rights are the bastion of mine.


Well-Known Member
I want to know how she will be different from her husband.
i believe she's to the right of bill.

she DOES have a new book out. you could always read what she thinks..and for you benghazi fans, there is a WHOLE chapter that you will not read anywhere else.

you could wait until she announces..if she does:wink:


Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton was far enough to the right. I knew that you were a closet righty but I meant actual differences. Do you even know?
i'll prolly DL her book..she's not running yet and i was with obama camp in 2008 so i really didn't pay attention back then. i had to work 80 hours a week for the life sucking corporation i was employed at the time.

i'm very conservative for left.


Well-Known Member
So you don't have any clue what she plans to do if elected, but support her anyway. Got it.
i also support elizabeth warren and frankly, i've heard more of what she thinks than hillary.

why don't you wait until the lady announces, if at all before speculating?

are you sure your not tea?