Highest yielding Indica?? Any opinions?


Well-Known Member
Hello all, havent been here in a while as I've put a halt to my growingfor a few weeks while I move to a larger abode. Now its time to start planning again, Bigger house, Bigger Grow. My question is..... In your opinion (preferable from experience), What is the largest yielding Indica out there. These will be under 1000 to 1200 watts, hoping for 20 plus ounces a grow. So if you guys can throw some suggestions my way that'd be great. Cheers.

outdoor master

Well-Known Member
solid indica theres a couple different geno types some are heavily mixed w a sativa, but most indicas, super crop them, (top and clone) --- you shouild probably do that, or Great white shark from Greenhouse seed co


Elite Rolling Society
I like White Widow and , or Northern Lights, they both seem to get taller and fuller, or bushier.


Well-Known Member
I've considered white rhino and white russian alright. Maybe I'll do a combo?? Can you guys think of any more high yielding indica's?


Active Member
Blueberry if done right, has very heavy yields, and is almost purely indica, its a typical short bushy plant with broad leaves, and it flowers in 60 days, two weeks ahead of WW and NL!

ArrOgNt RocKstAR

Well-Known Member
Dutch Passions "Power Plant" is pretty good for yeild.
Also try "Moby Dick" by DinaFem seeds

And "Bonkers" is a Canadian (i think) semi auto-flowering plant that is very high yeilding short stature plant.


Well-Known Member
i got 4 ozs off a blu apollo from joey weed, under a 400 watt. and its some serious ass kickin bud if ya let it go for ten weeks!!!did alot of veggin when I fired it up!!


Well-Known Member
They all sound great. never heard of blu apollo but I'll check it out.
I'm really interested in the blueberry but I've heard it can be tempremental??? And I've also been anting to try power plant for a while also.

So I think I have my choices.

White Rhino
White Russian
Power plant
And possibly blue apollo.

Thanks guys.


Active Member
Ive heard that of blueberry too, hard to clone, easy to over to fertilize, maybe not for a first time grower, although I dont know how experienced you are, but if you have the right monitoring tools and a lil' vigilance, it shouldnt be a problem at all. I read it has a potence of 18-20% THC, it was in hightimes top ten strains of all time. Or try blueberry x G-13 (which boasts a potency of 25%+THC, just the G-13 im not exact about the cross), I dont have first hand experience with it like I do with the BB, but its supposed to have well than above average yields, with a killer high, making it more valuable! Hey Hobbes, whats the high like on Heavy duty fruity, sounds tasty! I guess just pick the best three that sound good to you and do a side by side experiment, and go from there, happy hunting!


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
xochipila I've never tried HDF but came across a few reviews.

"The yield on HDF is great. Nice thing about THSeeds - they're honest when they describe a strain. No hype - unless it's called for. What you read is what you get. I recommend this for any first time grower or a commercial grower. Few strains will yield any better than this one. The drawback is that while there is great bag appeal, lot's of people don't consider this strain to be "chronic" smoke. It's heady and rather clear, but it doesn't knock you in the dirt. Still, I think it's one of the strains out there that really deserves it's good reputation. It's also pretty stable as far as variations in phenos, so you don't have to worry about the only 2 females being bad ones."





Well-Known Member
Wow thanks guys. There's some great suggestions there. I think I'll be paying a visit to pic n mix seeds. And Hobbes, Yield is my main concern this grow but saying that I don't want shit either. My last couple of grows were all for quality and potency but this time I'd like to crop big. Maybe try a little bit of breeding now that I'll have the space to do so. I'm not that experienced but I've not had a failed grow yet and think the Blueberry will be managable. It just sounds so appealing.
Any of you guys try bubblegum??? Is it even indica I'm not sure.