highest potent autoflowering strain


Active Member
What is the most potent autoflowering strain out their it can be some you have tried personally or by what breeders state?

So far the only autoflower i have tried is auto blueberry kush by lowlife


Active Member
I have gotten to smell the russian rocket fuel and when they say it has a "fuel like aroma" it does. i did not get to taste at the time do.


Well-Known Member
I have only grown the original lowryder and i've heard bad reviews on it but i have to say i love the high and my friends raved over it too.:)


Active Member
I have only grown the original lowryder and i've heard bad reviews on it but i have to say i love the high and my friends raved over it too.:)
How would you say the taste and high is like? this goes for the other posts as well.
( ex. taste=fruity,sour,minty and high=euphoric,body,giggles,)

Breeders can say one thing but the production of a regular grower as ourselfs produce taste, smell, yield, and potency differently so any input will be highly appreciated and will help noobs like me :-P learn more


Well-Known Member
Im currently growing the auto ak47 from lowlife seeds and it looks the business, glistening with crystals, sticky and stinky. Havn't smoked it yet but id be very surprised if it wasnt very strong the way it looks.