high humidity


Do you know of any ways to lower humidity without a humidifier?Do i need to spray the leaves if the humidity is above 65%?Thank you


My limited knowledge tells me you have nothing to worry bout right now. But proper humidity is very important. I'd suggest spending some time browsing the forums there is an abundance of information on this site. Just do some perusing and you will see. Most if not all these questions have been asked and answered.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings like high humidity. Spraying them would help with low humidity anyway. Be careful spraying when lights are on!


Well-Known Member
The best way I have found to lower the humidity without a de-humidifier is with some sort of extraction fan. I don't know what your set up is like but if your growing in a tent or box or even a room but I had the high humidity problem when I started growing in a tent. I got a 4 inch in-line fan and placed it inside the tent and it pulls hot, humid, and stale air out. I have a small screen at the base of my tent that lets fresh air in