High CBD strains


Well-Known Member
So after much hunting and experimenting I am on a full crop of only high cbd strains that are 5% cbd and 5% thc but have tested at twice those percentages from the CBD crew and I have never tasted anything quite like it. I have the Yummy strain done right now with critical mass and shark on the way. The high is so low key and I love it! Has anyone had experience with strains like this? I'm in BC and no one even knew what I was talking about when I mention cbd's (because everyone does kush out here),so I dont know anyone that has grown them.
Hey man, interested in your strain,

I'm in B.C and yes, the only strains you find out here are Kush and no one even knows anything about other strains.

I've always been hunting for Sativas but I can only really find hybrids, even at the dispensary they are all hybrids still, no pure sativas.

Cannatonic is the only strain I've smoked thats supposedly 1:1 ratio of THC and CBD, and I'm smoking it currently and it's a pretty nice high.


Im growing yummy at the moment, i found her somewhat slow in veg and right now she's just turned true 5 weeks
she smells like raw brown sugar/fruity loops




redi jedi

Well-Known Member
The highest CBD strain I've heard of is Charlotte's Web, somewhere around 20% CBD less than 1% THC. You would probably have to go to Northern Cali to get it though.


Well-Known Member
Charlotte's Web is a strain the brothers in Colorado developed, as per the Sanjay Gupta documentary.

I've grown Cannatonic, and Z7, which is a limited edition strain made by Shantibaba from Mr. Nice.

Cannatonic's CBD-dom pheno was nice, but stretchy for growing indoors with limited height. I've seen photos of Cannatonic grown outdoors, and it grows like a friggin tree!

Z7 has more Afghani in it, and grows a little easier for indoor. And its taste is unreal! My daily go-to strain, definitely.


Well-Known Member
I've been researching high CBD strains for next year. Been seeing several new strains coming out, they must be catching on. I'm mainly interested in their pain relief attributes. I know Harlequin and Cataonic have been around for a while. I've seen Harlequin in some dispensaries but refuse to pay their prices for it. I can wait til next year when I will grow my own. Looking for a 1:1 ratio, something like 10%THC: 10%CBD sounds like a good ratio for me. I would love to try Charlettes Web though, just to see the effects of the CBD's. It's amazing how far the cannabis industry has come since the 70's.


Well-Known Member
What kind of pain are you referring to, BWG707?

I dont know if I'd consider a CBD dom strain as effective for pain killing, as directly as say, a strong Indica with a body/narcotic effect.

If your pain is due to systemic inflammation due to an auto-immune disease, for example, CBD would be effective at treating the underlying cause, reducing the inflammation, which in turn should work on the pain...or at least thats what I've found in my experience.


Well-Known Member
What kind of pain are you referring to, BWG707?

I dont know if I'd consider a CBD dom strain as effective for pain killing, as directly as say, a strong Indica with a body/narcotic effect.

If your pain is due to systemic inflammation due to an auto-immune disease, for example, CBD would be effective at treating the underlying cause, reducing the inflammation, which in turn should work on the pain...or at least thats what I've found in my experience.
I was thinking that, but I'd like to see what effects the CBD's have on me in general- stress relief, anti inflammation, etc. my pain stems from severe sciatic nerve damage. My muscles in my leg are deteriorating to the extent that I'm having a hard time just walking around, not to mention the pain.


Well-Known Member
They're great for inflammation and stress-relief, from my experience. I use a CBD-dom strain mostly daytimes, where I want to still function normally.

I find a 1:1 ratio is nice, as you get a bit of the THC effect from your strain, but its dampened by the CBD "non-effect", as I'd describe it.

I've had a 3:2 ratio strain and a 2:1 ratio, which give much more CBD, but don't produce much, of any, THC effect. I found them better for raw juicing than vapeing/ingesting.