Hi my name is Shannon, and I'm an alcoholic...

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Don't drink, fuck titties instead. I am not a fan of titty fucking because they are tender and sweet but I am a fan of beer. However beer ( and associated beverages ) can cause problems in one's life that are not at all the same problems that one would encounter in the act of titty fucking. Fuck alcohol and then fuck titties, I say. Good luck

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I probabl shouldn't ne let around anything that affects my mood... or my thinking... I really, really, really want to sleep but Ican't hget there, wether it is a astate of relaxationmj I am unable to get to or a state of mind thaqt I'm skirting around, less than 20 hours of sleep for a week is fucked... I need 10 hours a day or I can't fit in... I can't deal with th8is and half my fACW IS NUMB.,. AND RAEDING THIS now my fingers aren't doing exactly what they are told to half the time either...