Hey..you guys in Ontario...


Well-Known Member
Frankly, I don't care.
I see the appeal in women and I have no problem if other women also see that same appeal.
Some men are into men, and that's their choice.
Some hippies are into goats and that's.. well, that's another story.
I think you do care and is why you asked
I'm sure the Hippy can find you a goat. :)


Well-Known Member
I was the one who asked which sex you preferred gb...odd just pointed out that you couldn't find anything to like about dykes, but you like woman...maybe oxymoronic??


Well-Known Member
all I know is being a father of a 2 year old , I ain't feeling this new sex ed they are proposing, anybody else feel like it's too early for kid's to learn this or is it just me? There's a big protest downtown atm


Well-Known Member
all I know is being a father of a 2 year old , I ain't feeling this new sex ed they are proposing, anybody else feel like it's too early for kid's to learn this or is it just me? There's a big protest downtown atm
I have to agree. I don't think there should be any sex education before that "portion" of their natural learning process is completed on their own. I'm not going to argue what's right or what's nature vs nurture, but I think that alternative sex education could put ideas in heads that were not there before.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Frankly, I don't care.
I see the appeal in women and I have no problem if other women also see that same appeal.
Some men are into men, and that's their choice.
Some hippies are into goats and that's.. well, that's another story.
Ahem....someone wants to make it very clear that he can and does, do way better than shagging the old dirty Hippy....see......