Hey..you guys in Ontario...


Well-Known Member
I did ask so thank you gb for your contribution to the conversation. So do you like boys or girls?...see it doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
Ontario liberals have been corrupted for a few years now. Theres always a alternate motive with them or shady closed door dealings.


Well-Known Member
I like her compared to the alts. we would of had Tim Whodack or what ever his name is. Did you guys see him retract his million jobs plan after he lost? He was like oh maybe the numbers were off. SMH. Fuk the cons, I will vote for satin if he is a liberal has long has he is not with Harpie


Staff member
i actually met her, and talked to her for about an hour and discussed issues in ontario. she is very down to earth if you actually meet her, she generally cares when you speak your concerns to her.
I have a bunch of photos of me and her too, you could probably find them on her website if you look real close lol


Well-Known Member
See that's how I took her too, Sunni...she's seems very unintimidated by Harptler...I like that...I just found her to be very well spoken.


Well-Known Member
There has been a few instances where she has pissed me off and shown that she is the same ole....True she does appear different from the norm.
Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Does it really matter anymore. I didnt even know who she was til a few months ago i boticed her name on my gst cheque and googled her lol
Point out a good honest politician and i will point out the best actor in the room.
Poltician are just people. And as we have all learned by now people are generally self serving and out to protect thier own asses.
I look forward to technology advancing to the point of us no longer needing these figure heads that do nothing but draw crazy salaries and pensions will providing their friends and families with jobs


Well-Known Member
I ran for municipal council once....it started out as a two way race....the vote was split by a third and I lost by 1 vote. I never ran again.


Well-Known Member
:lol: Only you would think that...
two things were said and you pick one.. :)

I'm not into homosexuals or do I push being heterosexual, but hey...
I think the dyke isn't very smart!

ps sorry to offend "the others" ;)
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