Hey what could this be???


Well-Known Member
nah dont think so these are the tops nute burn usually starts from bottom, know that its not nute burn, but thanks for ya imput these girls have not been over feed and water never gets low i fucking stare at these girls so often am on top of it got a Sativa strain next to it and it is closer to the lamp im stunned


think sativias can handle more heat and stress indicas ?????that a possibility

Hey man, the heat could be contributing to the factor, but I think it could be more of a humidity issue. I wouldn't completely rule out nute issues unless you are certain, but that's got to be a heat and humidity cofactor I think. If it's not nutes.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, the heat could be contributing to the factor, but I think it could be more of a humidity issue. I wouldn't completely rule out nute issues unless you are certain, but that's got to be a heat and humidity cofactor I think. If it's not nutes.

deff not nute burn, i gotta agree with humidity, any mold??? i doubt u wouldnt notice it if u really stare at em,.......like i do. haha but heat and indica and sativas, naw they handle it the same.

any bowls of water sitting around??? hahahahaaaa


Well-Known Member
nah grown aeroponically thinking they might be a lil to close t o the lamp no humity in dat room no mold i would see that as i do stare at them alot just started a couple days ago im having to agree that it might be heat lamp issue how close are they suppose to be ??????????


New Member
nah grown aeroponically thinking they might be a lil to close t o the lamp no humity in dat room no mold i would see that as i do stare at them alot just started a couple days ago im having to agree that it might be heat lamp issue how close are they suppose to be ??????????
the hand test.


Well-Known Member
see ive done that but some spot are hotter the satias are growing under whwile the blackjack grows on the side of the lamp but relativly close im thinking


Well-Known Member
dont know but i moved my light s a little so i help it helps out my girls are really starting to swell up!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
black jack reALLY TURNED OUT SUCESSFULLY AND cant wait to start my bubblicios and blackberry wat yall trhink?????