Hey! This is an American in India telling you about his experiences!


Hey Guys!

I am currently in India doing my studies. I was a regular smoker when I was back in the states so my interest carried on when I came to India. I was very disappointed. I am currently residing in Bangalore and most of the stuff we score here is garbage. Its smoked and grown very poorly. Is there anyone from India here or anyone that has made trips to India? How was your experience. What kind of stuff did you score? Do you maybe have pictures? And what worked best for you? Iv considered growing because I assume that would be the only way to get "Real" weed.


Well-Known Member
HOLY COWABUNGA. you a dirty cop in india or something. I knew an IT guy from india and he told me the cops were dirty as fuck over there. probably a pig trying to make a buck huh?


Well-Known Member

Go play in the mountains.


Well-Known Member
told me you get busted over there, just slip the pigs a few bucks and they tell you to get out of here. He was cool as fuck, good indian guy as far as I knew. Wish he wasn't sent back after his visa expired....


Haha Im just here for peoples inputs. Even though you can score in the mountains the quality of that weed is just not that great. Nothing compared to the western weed. Its a shame, and yes the cops are real assholes here. They make a living by people paying them off.


Well-Known Member
If ya watched the video you'd of seen that hash is what you should look for.. in most countries down in that area hash is more plentiful and finding well cured buds takes connections... And its not the US so dont expect to find some easy connection on a message board. Try the club scene or make a weekend trip to Goa and try there... is a lot of tourists from europe there. Speaking the language and being friendly will get ya further than rollitup tho.
How's the hash over there? From what a buddy of mine studying abroad has told me, it's pretty damn good and easy to find if you know a guy. Any experience?