Hey Peter....go f**k yourself...


Well-Known Member
Canada's biggest asshole just can't resist...Hey Mackay, you got voted in and can be voted out you fucking douche bag.


Justice Minister Peter MacKay says he disagrees with the head of the RCMP that smoking pot isn't as big a deal as it once was, arguing young people in particular are "very negatively affected" by marijuana use.

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson was quoted in a news story Wednesday as saying he doesn't think "marijuana usage is as big a deal as it used to be."

"It's still vulnerable to exploitation to organized crime, but you know, less and less as it becomes more and more commercially available," Paulson told Global News.

Last December, Paulson told CBC News that he had no opinion on the idea of giving police a ticketing option for people found with small amounts of marijuana.

MacKay said Paulson is entitled to his opinion, but that he disagrees.

"We know that there are young people in particular who are very negatively affected by marijuana use. We know that it can have a very severe impact on early childhood development. We know it certainly isn’t a motivator, it doesn’t make people want to get up and go out and lead productive lives," MacKay said.

Police chiefs want more options

The federal government is looking at changing Canada's drug laws, however, and giving police the option of ticketing pot users rather than charging them with a crime — or turning a blind eye.

Canada's chiefs of police last summer voted overwhelmingly in support of having a ticketing option for people found with 30 grams of marijuana or less.

MacKay wouldn't go as far as to say that Paulson was wrong to speak his mind.

"Well, this is free speech, right? And he’s a police officer, he has views, but I personally disagree," he said.

Earlier this year, an Ipsos Reid poll suggested 70 per cent of Canadians want to see the current pot laws at least relaxed — and one in three Canadians back full legalization.

Ipsos Reid polled a total of 3,000 randomly selected Canadian adults by phone — including both land lines and cellphone numbers — which gives the poll a countrywide margin of error of plus or minus 1.8 per cent, 19 times out of 20, with higher error rates for data broken down by region.

The poll commissioned by the Justice Department was conducted between Jan. 30 and Feb. 7, 2014.


Well-Known Member
Do you think they honestly believe the shit they spew or are they just towing the party line?


Well-Known Member
Just wrote MacKay an email....


Having just read an article in the Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/09/24/peter-mackay-marijuana-bob-paulson_n_5876888.html) about you disagreeing with Bob Paulson's views on marijuana, I am, once again, left shaking my head at the reefer-madness style stance the Harper Government continues to take on marijuana use.

We are tired of hearing about how marijuana is 'harmful to children' every time the issue of ending cannabis prohibition arises. Take your statement and change the word 'marijuana' to alcohol.

"We know that there are young people in particular who are very negatively affected by alcohol use. We know that it can have a very severe impact on early childhood development. We know it certainly isn’t a motivator, it doesn’t make people want to get up and go out and lead productive lives," MacKay said. Alcohol also has the distinction of being the leading cause of death of Canadian youth. In fact you could replace the word marijuana with many words that would be true in that sentence. How about porn? How about caffeine? How about fatty foods? Shouldn't all those be banned as well as they can negatively effect childhood development?

The latest poll, commissioned by your government, found 70% of Canadians favour marijuana law reform. These were voting, taxpaying adults, answering questions about issues that directly relate to freedoms and democracy, backed up by many police chiefs, yet you disagree. If the Harper Government is serious about a societal need for continued cannabis prohibition in order to protect the youth, I expect alcohol prohibition will be re-instated immediately.

Ignore the people at your governments own peril, Mr. MacKay, as the 70% who want reform are the same people who will be responsible for your continued employment in 2015. Canadians are rather attached to their democracy, and object to their wishes being dismissed by government. You can listen to us now or we will tell you in no uncertain terms come election day.


Well-Known Member
Canada's biggest asshole just can't resist...Hey Mackay, you got voted in and can be voted out you fucking douche bag.


Justice Minister Peter MacKay says he disagrees with the head of the RCMP that smoking pot isn't as big a deal as it once was, arguing young people in particular are "very negatively affected" by marijuana use.

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson was quoted in a news story Wednesday as saying he doesn't think "marijuana usage is as big a deal as it used to be."

"It's still vulnerable to exploitation to organized crime, but you know, less and less as it becomes more and more commercially available," Paulson told Global News.

Last December, Paulson told CBC News that he had no opinion on the idea of giving police a ticketing option for people found with small amounts of marijuana.

MacKay said Paulson is entitled to his opinion, but that he disagrees.

"We know that there are young people in particular who are very negatively affected by marijuana use. We know that it can have a very severe impact on early childhood development. We know it certainly isn’t a motivator, it doesn’t make people want to get up and go out and lead productive lives," MacKay said.

Police chiefs want more options

The federal government is looking at changing Canada's drug laws, however, and giving police the option of ticketing pot users rather than charging them with a crime — or turning a blind eye.

Canada's chiefs of police last summer voted overwhelmingly in support of having a ticketing option for people found with 30 grams of marijuana or less.

MacKay wouldn't go as far as to say that Paulson was wrong to speak his mind.

"Well, this is free speech, right? And he’s a police officer, he has views, but I personally disagree," he said.

Earlier this year, an Ipsos Reid poll suggested 70 per cent of Canadians want to see the current pot laws at least relaxed — and one in three Canadians back full legalization.

Ipsos Reid polled a total of 3,000 randomly selected Canadian adults by phone — including both land lines and cellphone numbers — which gives the poll a countrywide margin of error of plus or minus 1.8 per cent, 19 times out of 20, with higher error rates for data broken down by region.

The poll commissioned by the Justice Department was conducted between Jan. 30 and Feb. 7, 2014.
All I can say is it appears that the 'dominoes' are starting to fall. The Provincial election in New Brunswick is a good sign. Canadians are sick off the lies, obfuscation, and complete blather that comes out of Ottawa. Get ready stevie boy, you're next.


Well-Known Member
:clap: Fuckin rights Chris alcohol showed be outlawed long ago if they want to stick with that bullshit line what about the children. Well government morons black market pot has been around since cannabis was outlawed by some false bs studies and propaganda and alcohol had had a worse effect on the developing brain than Cannabis. Hints all those out there with fetal alcohol syndrome. So if they are really so worried about the children they should be fighting to make alcohol illegal... Till then fuck off with your opinions you stupid fucks in government. Well time to wake and bake. Lol



Well-Known Member
What... are you surprised?!?!?

That's the same individual that has had Mark Emery's transfer paper since July 2013 on his desk waiting for his signature to authorise it and as never signed it.

This Govt. doesn't give a rats ass about its people. We elect govt. for them to serve us, not the other way around.


Well-Known Member
Honestly my thought on politicians is that we should feel sorry for these people.
The are socially retarded!
We arent surprised when we see a retarded kid punch himself or a parent in the face at the grocery store.lol

Most politicians and doctors for that matter are only in their "positions" in life because they come from families of wealth. They dont know jack about what really goes on outside in the real world.
When they arent sitting in boardrooms listening to each others bullshit they are at partys drinking booze the average citizen cant afford.

How can u expect those people to relate to you or any other real person?

100% legalization is the only real solution so that means it will never happen
Because unfortunately common simply isnt common.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Anyone who drinks should not be allowed even their own opinion against cannabis prohibition as it's an intoxicant and way worse. Put em all in jail these asshole politicians.
I drink, but I'm not against MJ at least, how hypocritical would that be

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Anyone who consumes any alcohol at all and is against MJ, well I'd like to punch them in the face. Imagine judging folks for smoking weed while you think it's okay to drink. THAT ONE FRY'S ME THE MOST