Hey Look!


Well-Known Member
The guy has got balance. Nice to see his pants aren't falling down. My hair looks like that in the morning.


Well-Known Member
wicked hair...

i reckon when he changes direction time could possibly stand still or maybe it causes a glitch in the matrix.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

1. I like the hair
2. i like the one handed snot blowing
3. i like the tricks..

I think you need:
1. POON in the video (maybe you can ali some boobs)
2. more enthusiasm from the rider... maybe you can skate down the isle of a grocery store and have some old lady give you a nasty look.. and then later it shows you helping her load groceries into her car.... a rebel with LOVE!!!

thanks for sharing..


Active Member
hahahaha oh man,
grocery store?
I went into a church
and went for tea.
and it was full of old people
and I wasn't even trying to cause mayhem, but I was so baked I dropped a china glass tea cup
adn everything exploded, it was all on tape, that shits just too crappy to put on the dvd,lol