Hey guys...


This is from me to you, I suggest first do a couple small doses of dph like 350-400 2 times would be good. You wont trip tooo hard on that much.... Then later when your induced into a delerious state you will have dph flash backs and they can be WIKKID!

What I'm tryin'a tell you guys is that sleep deprivation + many bowls of cannabis + dph flashbacks is kickassssss.... doom metal is best to listen toooo...

EDIT: Sorry guys I was on Mars when I typed that.... what I meant was that when I deprive myself of sleep(it helps me reach altered states very interesting you should try it) I get dph flashbacks. DPH flashbacks are all in your peripherals, and they're prevalent. Combine sleep deprivation and weed and it can be awesome. So many hallucinations that your eyes start to hurt. It's nothing like dmt though...