Hey guys! just got out the pen for growing and Im back! looking for hydro advice!

wiz of oz

hello everyone, Im planning a grow with two rooms about 6x6 areas one for veg which will be in a furnace room and the room next to it for flower I would like to do this small grow for an old friend,a Vietnam vet and one of the best men Ive ever met. well now that hes retired and smoking a lil ganja with my experience I told him Id build him a room. so my last grows were exactly like the see more buds vol 1 and now doing a small grow is a bit different for me, I would like to do a "mr green I grow chronic" with a drip system for clones and the mother I would like to have 4 clones and 1 mother 2 4 ft florescents 1 cool white and a warm white on each. then for the flower room a 600 watt hps bulb and as for the system I would like a ebb and flow system. I wanted to know if 8 ounces of flora bloom,flora micro, and floragro will be sufficient for seed to harvest for this setup?


Well-Known Member
I believe 8ozs of flora grow,bloomand micro won't be enough, better off with 16 ozs, as for florescents you'd be better of with T5's in my opiniun, damn nice of you to do this for him, +rep for you.

wiz of oz

I believe 8ozs of flora grow,bloomand micro won't be enough, better off with 16 ozs, as for florescents you'd be better of with T5's in my opiniun, damn nice of you to do this for him, +rep for you.
ok cool, Ive decided on the "motivation" strain from serious seeds and I think this will be a very successful and happy grow