hey guys i need help first time growing northern lights help!

Dro 420

Heelp me! Here's a vid of my brother showin you guys the plant


Well-Known Member
You sound like you are about 12 years old in that video (or your brother is). Come back in a few years when you are 18.


Well-Known Member
You need to do some research, but without holes you have no drainage = bad. Your light is probably why it is stretched and all lanky.


Active Member
lol your bro literally sounds like a kid, but yeah agree with everyone else, you need drainage hole - if thats not possible then repot ASAP, andd i think your light is too far away, you could have a 25w bulb like a couple of inches away and it wouldnt stretch like that at all till it was more developed and needed more light...
anyways good luck mate