***Hey guys! I have some questions about Curing/Drying Process.***


Active Member
OK i have read up tons on drying and curing and i get the joist of it. however... is curing totally necessary? can i just dry my bud and then smoke it? i got 3 plants for personal use nearing the end of flower and i just need to know if i can just dry them and smoke them. don't be a hater.. i don't want to cure if i don't have to. and if i dont have to cure them how do i store my pot? I'm obviously not gonna smoke 3 plants worth of bud to quickly so please post and help me out!! thx!


Well-Known Member
Well, you definitely can of course. And yes, you will still get stoned with un-cured bud.

The smoke is just less pleasant, and your herb won't burn as evenly...... so in the end, it's harder to smoke which may in turn not give you as nice a high as you normally would get.

One thing I think all growers should do AT LEAST ONCE, is smoke a bowl of herb every other day after chopping. You'll get to see how MUCH different the herb becomes during the cure. It literally becomes a different smoke each time you try it!

But, you can smoke uncured of course, but I think once you realize the difference for yourself, you'll likely not even waste the time.


Well-Known Member
When you cure grass, not only does the chlorophyll (water) evaporate, but psychoactive compounds/turpenes mature and develop like grapes do in wine. The longer the cure, the heavier the stone. Cure a bud for nine months, let it turn gold and get high like you were 16 again. LOL.


Well-Known Member
If you just have it for yourself just cure it as you smoke it just make sure its dry at least...


Well-Known Member
Weed gets better as it ages up to about 8 months, but all the magic is in the curing. Drying and curing (when done right) have proved (In many studies) to have a major impact on taste and flavour, by breaking down chlorophylls and converting starches into sugars. Most attributes blamed on un-flushed buds may be the result of unbalanced nutrition and/or over fertilization and improper drying/curing.


Active Member
dam. yall are smart! lol im drunk right now so exuse me. thx u guys ror all the info will prolly cure it as i go and smoke as i go
anybody got a link for curing properlyu cuz i got no fuckin idiea


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think the longest time is that you can cure bud? I have heard something like 9 months or a year max and then the THC starts to degrade.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't exceed 8 months imo
Thx Budist. Oh and I am doing the taste every day while you cure thing and it is delightful! Sorry I couldn't think of a better word to describe it.

I just helped harvest a friend's grow and now the bud is curing and getting better every day. It really is amazing how much it gets better every day. Curing is sooooo important to me now!


Well-Known Member
Thx Budist. Oh and I am doing the taste every day while you cure thing and it is delightful! Sorry I couldn't think of a better word to describe it.

I just helped harvest a friend's grow and now the bud is curing and getting better every day. It really is amazing how much it gets better every day. Curing is sooooo important to me now!
Drying and curing are so important and a lot of new "caregivers" don't understand this. keep to it and you will be a connoisseur A+ in no time. just do it right and if you don't do it right fix it next time til its perfect then everyone will be happy and no one can ever tell you your buds suck

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
hey guys im try to grow for my own personal stock and the sell the excess to a clinic, how long do you think i need to cure before its ready to be sold in a weed shop? i live in CA btw


Well-Known Member
so like can anybody in cali sell there weed to clinics??
I have heard that you can sell 8 ounces to your dispensary at a time, at least in San Diego. You do have to be a member of the dispensary though, you can't just walk in off the street. There are different rules for different counties.


Well-Known Member
so like can anybody in cali sell there weed to clinics??

If you're a patient they'll take as much as you have based on the city law...here in Oakland you can carry up to 3# dried weight so the local clubs will buy up to 3# at a time if it's what they're looking for. Most dispensaries test their bud now so it's becoming harder and harder for just anyone to sell flowers to clubs in northern California. Everyone is now just getting in the habit of getting their bud tested and labeled before they even try to vend to a club. http://steephilllab.com/ http://www.sclabs.com/ are just a couple that seem to be used more than any other in this area.

But to answer someone's question about how long you can cure - the curing process should only take a couple of weeks, but you can store bud almost forever if you keep it in the jars and in complete darkness.


Well-Known Member
When my new crop comes in, I start to smoke it as soon as it's dry.
By the time it's fully cured and at it's prime, I have smoked so much that I'm sick of it and don't get off anymore.
But that happens around the time the new crop is ready, so the cycle starts over again.


Well-Known Member
When my new crop comes in, I start to smoke it as soon as it's dry.
By the time it's fully cured and at it's prime, I have smoked so much that I'm sick of it and don't get off anymore.
But that happens around the time the new crop is ready, so the cycle starts over again.
Sounds like a horrible way to live..... I hope to be sick of my homegrown someday. That way I can grow a new strain!