hey guys how can you tell if weed is laced?


Active Member
prolly no way to tell for sure unless you could have some tested. I smoked week laced with something called "hash" befor and i loved it

Dro 420

Nd like when I close my eyes I see some shit clearly visons if I imagin it in my head its clear and I'm startin to get a lil worryed


Well-Known Member
You probably just smoked a lot of really good bud. You can be washed for several days after smoking if you are not a seasoned toker.
niga u just prolly smoked sum good dope either that or its a duster might of smoked some pcp niga ull be fine either way its just drugs
I've smoked laced weed before and it was horrible. We only smoked half the eighth and there were 4 of us and my ex was having convulsions (or so she thought) and me and my buddy were seeing rockets go off and were just tripping hardcore...it was def laced with some pcp or something. If your still high 2 days later it had to be laced, I don't care how strong the bud you won't be high for 2 days


Well-Known Member
Wow! And you weren't even charged extra for it?

You are very lucky, I have never met anyone in my entire life who unknowingly got "laced weed". lol

I did see it alot on tv after school specials when I was a kid.

Los Muertos

Active Member
You'd prolly know from the taste or smell of it burning if was jacked up w/something. Sherm has a very chemical
smell when it burns. Could've been formaldhyde too which is VERY dangerous! If you're smoking shit with people
that you think might do something like that, smell it first next time. It'll be obvious. Hope you're ok.


Well-Known Member
Wow! And you weren't even charged extra for it?

You are very lucky, I have never met anyone in my entire life who unknowingly got "laced weed". lol
I did once, and I certainly was not laughing. It friggin SUCKED. Fortunately it was just a joint, not a fat sack, and it didn't last for 2 days.


bud bootlegger
You'd prolly know from the taste or smell of it burning if was jacked up w/something. Sherm has a very chemical
smell when it burns. Could've been formaldhyde too which is VERY dangerous! If you're smoking shit with people
that you think might do something like that, smell it first next time. It'll be obvious. Hope you're ok.
thank you. some one who knows a lil something something comes along, lol.. i love the peps who said it was laced with dust or pcp.. if you smoke some weed that was laced with dust, and you didn't realize it when you were smoking it, there is something wrong with you, lol.. dust and pretty much anything that one would lace weed with would surely have an odd none weed taste to it.. dust has an unmistakable smell and taste to it, smells like magic markers to me..
if the weed you smoked didn't have anykind of odd chemical taste to it, i'd bet it was just good ass weed and your just not used to good ass weed, lol.. if it had an odd taste or odor to it, then you'd know it, and would know it was laced when you were smoking it..

Los Muertos

Active Member
thank you. some one who knows a lil something something comes along, lol.. i love the peps who said it was laced with dust or pcp.. if you smoke some weed that was laced with dust, and you didn't realize it when you were smoking it, there is something wrong with you, lol.. dust and pretty much anything that one would lace weed with would surely have an odd none weed taste to it.. dust has an unmistakable smell and taste to it, smells like magic markers to me..
if the weed you smoked didn't have anykind of odd chemical taste to it, i'd bet it was just good ass weed and your just not used to good ass weed, lol.. if it had an odd taste or odor to it, then you'd know it, and would know it was laced when you were smoking it..
lol Yeah, I think it's safe to say, if you tasted weed @ all..it ain't laced. I'm not exactly proud of it, but I tried sherm when I was 16 and whilst it wasn't a pleasureable experience, I wasn't seeing shit 2 days later!! It did indeed smell just like magic markers or ether too. Coke smells pretty much the same way just not as strong and formaldehyde is unmistakeable if you've ever dissected a frog or whatever in school. Plus, you rarely see people spiking dank. Usually it's just schwag or 'baccy...kinda pointless to lace dank. Ok, kinda feel like a drug addict now. Not trying to freak you out or anything, but if you're seriously still hallucinating, something ain't right bud. I've never had weed that would do that and I've smoked a LOT!!


bud bootlegger
lol Yeah, I think it's safe to say, if you tasted weed @ all..it ain't laced. I'm not exactly proud of it, but I tried sherm when I was 16 and whilst it wasn't a pleasureable experience, I wasn't seeing shit 2 days later!! It did indeed smell just like magic markers or ether too. Coke smells pretty much the same way just not as strong and formaldehyde is unmistakeable if you've ever dissected a frog or whatever in school. Plus, you rarely see people spiking dank. Usually it's just schwag or 'baccy...kinda pointless to lace dank. Ok, kinda feel like a drug addict now. Not trying to freak you out or anything, but if you're seriously still hallucinating, something ain't right bud. I've never had weed that would do that and I've smoked a LOT!!
lol.. don't worry about feeling like an addict, your amongst friends here, and i'm sure more then one of us has done some things in our pasts that we're not really proud of, but its all part of growing up and learning to be a man.. like they say, let the one with no sin cast the first stone, or some shit like that as i'm not much of a bibble thumper, lol..


Well-Known Member
Cuz I smoked some bud about 2 days ago nd I'm still high and my puples r big

The first thing I do if I think the weed is laced is look at my feet to make sure there not my laces, If mine are there I laugh out loud as the joke is on someone else, I than look at everyone else runners, to avoid this happening I wear Van's slip on's.


bud bootlegger
Sounds like angel dust
dude.. one more time.. if you smoked dust, and don't know you smoked dust, well, i don't even know what to say as that shit has an unmistakable smell and taste to it, and no one could possibly mistake that smell for anything but what it is..

Los Muertos

Active Member
Seriously guys. I'm not trying to sound like a know it all or piss anyone off, but:
1. ANY drug that's been processed using chemicals is gonna smell and taste like those chemicals. I mean, haven't you ever smoked weed that tasted like fertilizer? It's because it wasn't flushed out of the plant's system. It ain't natural and it's obvious.
2. Even if you've never smelled it in your life, you gonna know immediately that something's off and once you have, you'll never forget it. Can't really be confused with anything else. Magic markers or ether is what you think of, but there's something else too. Hints of cow patty? It's really raunchy.
3. People don't lace whole bags of weed. We're talking about tiny quantities here. Like this much === is enough to ruin your fucking day! If you laced whole bags, how the fuck could you possibly control how much you're smoking? I'm cetainly not calling anyone a liar, but if you know people who are dusting whole bags..you might wanna find somewheres else to score. That's how people get killed.

Look, I'm a geezer and I just want you younger guys to be aware of what you're smoking. I don't want anyone to die or get hurt just because they didn't know any better. I mean, if I smoked something and was still tossed after 3 days, I'd be getting worried. Maybe he actually did smoke pcp or something and is having some kinda reaction. Although, here people are doling out advice and he's yet to chime in so maybe it's all bullshit. Doesn't seem to be taking it very seriously at any rate. Who knows?

Los Muertos

Active Member
..oh, and not to mention that offering anyone weed that's been altered in any way without telling them first is a straight fucked thing
to do in the first place! I'd be looking for a beatdown if someone did that to me.