Hey guys and gals lets see what everyone is smoking out of


Well-Known Member
Hmm What area of ontario are you in? I swear ive seen all three of those bongs before...


Well-Known Member
So josh are you around my area? Because now that I look at it, I know 100% that i've held your smallest bong. Well not yours but a copy of it.


Well-Known Member
My bong ..was confiscated along with my 5.5 grams of fresh beasters. The police probably got insanely high from it. God damn those egotistic overweight pricks, i swear i will have my revenge.


Active Member
i bought it off this really hot lesbian for a blunt of purp and smoked some reggie with her.


Well-Known Member
it looks like a good little pice but man dose it need a cleaning
that's actually the color of it. I pretty much just cleaned it believe it or not. it also has a bit of texture I suppose you could say. kind of like those walls where if you bumped up against it, it kinda scratches you a little bit? I don't really know how else to explain it. also, the carb is on the right side, not the left. I kinda like it better like that.