hey everyone this is my indoor grow setup


Active Member
ok ok ok if i get the proper lighting and dont feed it anymore and just water it when the soil is dry then is that ok? the plant is very green right now bright green and darker green near the base of the main stem i have roots coming out from the main stem just above the soil now i know this plant certainly is not going to die its way too healthy and the containers im using are conatiners from my kitchen stuff i am 21 yo and i live in my apartment the soil here in minnesota is still frozen and way to cold man so you can see mg is the only thing i could think of then a bag of soil from dollar store i looked for higher phospherus and i have other vital but not really needed nutriants like zinc and iron and potash and other stuff the plant food is 15-30-15 and i dulted it to 1/4 of the real thing with water i know what im doing ive done this before guys just the dang thing was bought cuz the guy put damn fish in the soil now i donno bout you but i had to take that stuff out
Please use some kind of punctuation. I just started my first grow myself and have problems figuring out the basics so I can't really hate on this. Listen to these guys though. I went from not much better than you to slightly more educated just from browsing the site.


ok ok ok if i get the proper lighting and dont feed it anymore and just water it when the soil is dry then is that ok? the plant is very green right now bright green and darker green near the base of the main stem i have roots coming out from the main stem just above the soil now i know this plant certainly is not going to die its way too healthy and the containers im using are conatiners from my kitchen stuff i am 21 yo and i live in my apartment the soil here in minnesota is still frozen and way to cold man so you can see mg is the only thing i could think of then a bag of soil from dollar store i looked for higher phospherus and i have other vital but not really needed nutriants like zinc and iron and potash and other stuff the plant food is 15-30-15 and i dulted it to 1/4 of the real thing with water i know what im doing ive done this before guys just the dang thing was bought cuz the guy put damn fish in the soil now i donno bout you but i had to take that stuff out
If you get the proper lighting, and stop feeding nutrients, you are well on your way to producing a stable plant.

The problem with time-release fertilizers is that sometimes you can get a spike of nutrients all at once. This is why you don't want to feed additional nutes -- If you happen to get a nute spike, you can really damage the plant in just a short period of time -- Particularly so if you're ALSO feeding it.

Remember: If in doubt, do NOT add more nutrients; With a decent PH, a plant can still grow without copious amounts of nutrients; With copious amounts of nutrients and nute burn, a plant will DIE. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer a plant that yields a bit less, than a dead one. ;)


Active Member
ok ok ok if i get the proper lighting and dont feed it anymore and just water it when the soil is dry then is that ok? the plant is very green right now bright green and darker green near the base of the main stem i have roots coming out from the main stem just above the soil now i know this plant certainly is not going to die its way too healthy and the containers im using are conatiners from my kitchen stuff i am 21 yo and i live in my apartment the soil here in minnesota is still frozen and way to cold man so you can see mg is the only thing i could think of then a bag of soil from dollar store i looked for higher phospherus and i have other vital but not really needed nutriants like zinc and iron and potash and other stuff the plant food is 15-30-15 and i dulted it to 1/4 of the real thing with water i know what im doing ive done this before guys just the dang thing was bought cuz the guy put damn fish in the soil now i donno bout you but i had to take that stuff out

I seen these pictures on a thread and just knew it was you HAHAHAHA


I love the bit where you say "i know what im doing ive done this before"

I heard fish fingers are the best fish for your dirt


Well-Known Member
This is pure comedy @ its best :bigjoint:
very very true, i just came home from work and after a bad day these just made me lmfao!!!!

check out the picture in the link posted above, that mad me cry:wall: chuck the plant in the bin and start over again. and do some reading please



If your going to waste your time here is some advice:

1) move the bulb almost inches from the plant

2) cover the plants surrounding with some form of matt white

3) replant it in a 1gal planter with organic composted soil

4) water good every 3 to 4 days and mist it with a spray bottle

5) go to home depot, take 20 bucks get a bulb splitter and two 42 watt cfl's

If your going to put that plant through this atleast do it the best you can
For the plants sake. You wouldn't adopt a child and starve or beat it so don't do it to the plant