Hey Everyone, Does this look ready?


Active Member
I got a 420 scope but that thing is hard to see through, and I have no idea if its ready. Week ago I pulled a bud, dried it out for 5 days and smoked it, tastes awesome, doesnt get you very high though yet. Feels like a sative high, full body energetic. I dug this up 1/2 way through flowering outside, totaly ripped it out of the ground, put it in a pot with some fox farm soil and its been like 7-8 weeks already. from what I can see it has no amber, but then again, through the 420 scope I thought the bud I pulled had cloudy trichs and when I got it in better light they were clear



Well-Known Member
probably another 2 weeks i'd say just looking at the pics...and try to figure out that scope man...it'll help you out in the long run ;)


Well-Known Member
YOu arent far along but i would really try to figure out your scope. I use the 15 dollar radio shack version and I hear ya sometimes they are tricky and get annoying trying to get a good view of the trichomes. Using the scope will help you get the buzz you want from your plants.