Hey Canada, Your Fucked


Active Member
Its the basis of the Tory campaign. Harper has announced it numerous times over the last 5 days on campaign stop speeches. Kevin if you havent already you should educate yourself about Bill S-10. That will be an eye opener for you.
Thank you !
I guess I have no choice but to vote liberal. Voting for any other party besides liberal or conservative seems like a vote wasted to me as they won't get enough votes to matter and just split the vote even more.


Active Member
Thank you !
I guess I have no choice but to vote liberal. Voting for any other party besides liberal or conservative seems like a vote wasted to me as they won't get enough votes to matter and just split the vote even more.
Well befor deciding that please go to the Catch 22 website I posted befor as depending on what riding you are in the Liberal vote may help the conservatives. For instance, the riding that I live in is an example. If I vote liberal, I vote for a Conservative majority. The Libs got less than 2 percent of the vote in my riding last election, where as the NDP got nearly 30 percent.


Well-Known Member

lol Every nation-state is fucked. Canada being one of the more fortunately-fucked that's for sure.
But we are definitely not the most fucked. ha


Active Member
Well befor deciding that please go to the Catch 22 website I posted befor as depending on what riding you are in the Liberal vote may help the conservatives. For instance, the riding that I live in is an example. If I vote liberal, I vote for a Conservative majority. The Libs got less than 2 percent of the vote in my riding last election, where as the NDP got nearly 30 percent.
My riding is liberal con split so no other choice..


Active Member
Hey guys what is the main of the comment Hey Canada, your fucked !!!

May i know the real matter of your thinking ????
LoL thanks to all of you guys !!!


Active Member
Well as I expected my un-informed, lazy, incredibly greedy and TV educated country men handed Harper and his Neo-Cons the majority he so rightly forced.

I am sad to say the least.

Anyway I found a great essay about the destruction of my country under Stephen Harper. It provides a great history of rise of the ultra right wing terror that is the Conservative Party of Canada, explains in breif how our electoral and parlimentary system works and the result of nearly 8 years of iron fist conservative rule. On top of that it was written by a well know marajuana activist.....how fitting.

Heres the link, its a great read about the destruction of a once great country. : http://www.cannabisculture.com/v2/content/stephen-harper-and-end-days-canada-we-know-it


Well-Known Member
We're going to drag you guys into the north american union and then the new world order faster than you can say eh, eh? Prison planet here we come. :)
The reason why there is such a war on pot is because:
It allows us to think for ourselves and we buck the system more than others.
Protesters and pot have always gone hand in hand to some degree.
Slaves are more productive if they aren't pot smokers.
We tend to love the earth more, and are less apt to want to bleed it dry.
Pot smokers aren't blood thirsty enough, so we are less apt to go to war.
And lastly corrections is big big business, only the most noble political power can resist a fat chunk of guaranteed pork like that.

Money power and greed, follow our lead.


Well-Known Member

This seems to be a good segment on the Canadian election results.

Chad Sexington

Active Member
Well as I expected my un-informed, lazy, incredibly greedy and TV educated country men handed Harper and his Neo-Cons the majority he so rightly forced.

I am sad to say the least.

Anyway I found a great essay about the destruction of my country under Stephen Harper. It provides a great history of rise of the ultra right wing terror that is the Conservative Party of Canada, explains in breif how our electoral and parlimentary system works and the result of nearly 8 years of iron fist conservative rule. On top of that it was written by a well know marajuana activist.....how fitting.

Heres the link, its a great read about the destruction of a once great country. : http://www.cannabisculture.com/v2/content/stephen-harper-and-end-days-canada-we-know-it
If by country men you mean the GTA then you'd be correct.

Chad Sexington

Active Member
Yes, it was the GTA that put the Conservatives with a majority government. I just hope Harper can now abolish the senate like he promised so long ago.


Active Member
Ha ha, thats funny. Abolsih the Senate, good one.
In the article I posted above it talks about Harpers promise to reform senate, and his complete about face once elected. He has since stacked the senate with over 20 of his own cronies.
Abolishing or reforming the senate puts control of it at risk. The senate now, and most certainly in the future now that he has a majority, is just another arm of the Conservative party.

With regards to the GTA yes I agree to an extent but the Conservatives are very strong out west as well. Majority of BC, Alberta and Sask are blue.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it was the GTA that put the Conservatives with a majority government. I just hope Harper can now abolish the senate like he promised so long ago.
I do not agree.....It was actually the people who sat on the couch and did not vote that handed the devil his majority


Active Member
I do not agree.....It was actually the people who sat on the couch and did not vote that handed the devil his majority
Agreed. Funny thing is, I know many of those people. They were enraged that the cons got a majority. I told them as mad as they were at the cons was about as mad as I was at them for being worhtless, lazy assholes.

People are so selfish.

Chad Sexington

Active Member
I do not agree.....It was actually the people who sat on the couch and did not vote that handed the devil his majority
It does not matter if you agree with it or not. The conservatives won their majority because they picked up the seats in the GTA, they needed 5 seats to make a majority, and got 17 or something from the area around Toronto which usually votes Liberal (the rest of the country was pretty much how if normally votes, if I am not mistaken. Except for Quebec.). Blame the people who didn't vote all you want, or you can accept the fact that the majority of Canadians wanted a Conservative government. I didn't that is why I voted for the NDP.


Well-Known Member
It does not matter if you agree with it or not. The conservatives won their majority because they picked up the seats in the GTA, they needed 5 seats to make a majority, and got 17 or something from the area around Toronto which usually votes Liberal (the rest of the country was pretty much how if normally votes, if I am not mistaken. Except for Quebec.). Blame the people who didn't vote all you want, or you can accept the fact that the majority of Canadians wanted a Conservative government. I didn't that is why I voted for the NDP.
Nope.....you are wrong you said "the majority" of Canadians wanted a conservative govt. Only 60% of people voted...Of that 60% 39% of them voted Conservative....doesn't make a majority in my books.....I realize it constitutes a majority under our current system. Trouble is that 95% of people that did not vote would not have voted conservative. So we are stuck with a government that the majority of the country actually wanted to get rid of and would have had they gotten their asses off the couch.... Clear it up at all? LOL.