hey all!


howdy my name is hutchy.

im a first time grower new to hydro's. have seen lots of plant though my life.
atm i have seven plants in total.
two are in flower and five are in veg witch i cloned off my plants that are in flower now.
im useing perlite and rock balls as my medium and house & garden nuts seems to be doing well so far
i am trying different things.
trial and error i guess.

but im having a few problems with with my two one in flower. at the tips of the leafs it looks like there burnt but i know that its now my light been
to close for sure.
somthing to do with nuts?
if anyone can help me that would be great thanks for having me on board :-P


Well-Known Member
howdy my name is hutchy.

im a first time grower new to hydro's. have seen lots of plant though my life.
atm i have seven plants in total.
two are in flower and five are in veg witch i cloned off my plants that are in flower now.
im useing perlite and rock balls as my medium and house & garden nuts seems to be doing well so far
i am trying different things.
trial and error i guess.

but im having a few problems with with my two one in flower. at the tips of the leafs it looks like there burnt but i know that its now my light been
to close for sure.
somthing to do with nuts?
if anyone can help me that would be great thanks for having me on board :-P
Sounds like over fertilization, try to flush the ones with burnt leaf edged if the problem gets any worse.

When plants are smaller they need less nutes, half strength sometimes


i do flush once aweek after 6pm and fluch fresh water though for about half hour and dump that out then re fill it with fresh nuts adjust ph to 5.8 to 6.0
then they get there first feed 6am next day. i recirculat to.

cant find cable post up pic atm.


Well-Known Member
Are all leaves affected, or just a few?
If just a few where are they located on the plant?
Whats your media and feeding schedule?


all over the plant even on the sides where light cant really get to.
im following house and garden schedule.
i do use house and garden drip clean.


Well-Known Member
Yes its nute burn. Just cut back on the recomended nutrient doses.
Drip clesn, r you using drippers


okay cheers for that i have been cutting back for a while nice as i have been following the schedule i am in week 8 this week but one one of my girls are
bit behind on yeild. whats best to leave then both flowing for a week or two to catch up?

no i dont use drippers i have a feed ring. why do you ask that?


Well-Known Member
Drip clean is good for drip rings. Just making sure u had a purpose for using it.
You could let them go longer as long as you still hit your harvest window. I would?
I always harvest based on smell and trichs. Some strains have short peak harvesting windows. All part of learningvthe strain


oh okay yer i end up letting them go for a while longer after the brain is enpty.
dosent drip clean help with removing build up of nuts that are left over like the white film left in brain box?
dosent it help with removing it in the pot like around roots and medium. help prevent build up?