hermy plants


Active Member
Just a quick question bout hermy plants. Is it worth while cooking with hermi plants? The buds are quite fluffy too, what are my options?


Well-Known Member
the best smoke ive ever smoked was hermi... from the plant i grew on my last grow. went hermi about a month into flower from light leaks. the seeds from it appear to be feminized. i hope these will be as good as the first. even though ive screwed them up a bit...


Well-Known Member
the best smoke ive ever smoked was hermi... from the plant i grew on my last grow. went hermi about a month into flower from light leaks. the seeds from it appear to be feminized. i hope these will be as good as the first. even though ive screwed them up a bit...
Hey Whats up Ery,

How much light got through when you had light leaks. What happend to cause them to change hermie? like was your grow in a grow closet/tent or something.
I just wanna make sure I dont stress them to the point where they change on me.

Peace dude :bigjoint::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
thanks man... i guess ill smoke em up. im not sure if they turned hermie on me cause of light leaks or because i never PH tested my soil or water. guess ill try fixin both problem next run


Well-Known Member
my first grow i had no ventilation in my growroom. 6x6 walkin closet. i would leave the door open so the air could get in, from the ac in my room. i had the window covered, but the slides on the side of the ac are kinda transluscent. the sunlight diffused through it and got into my room, it wasnt a ton of light but it was enough to do the deed, i figured it was ok cuz i had my room mostly partitioned off to just a small area for my one plant. it was almost a grow coffin in my closet. hope that answers your qestion.


Well-Known Member
my first grow i had no ventilation in my growroom. 6x6 walkin closet. i would leave the door open so the air could get in, from the ac in my room. i had the window covered, but the slides on the side of the ac are kinda transluscent. the sunlight diffused through it and got into my room, it wasnt a ton of light but it was enough to do the deed, i figured it was ok cuz i had my room mostly partitioned off to just a small area for my one plant. it was almost a grow coffin in my closet. hope that answers your qestion.
I gotcha Ery, Yea it answers it. Thanks Dude


Well-Known Member
wow i didnt know light leaks could cause your female to hermie. damnit I just had my hermie and it def had some light leaks. heres a picture of one of my lower branches with what appears to be a group of bananas and you can see the pollen on the lower leaf