Hermied 14 Blade Mutant Leaf Grow Experiment.

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
The 14 blade leaf pictured is the 1st time I have ever grown a 14 blade leaf, the strain is White Castle. My past grows of White Castle sometimes produced 11 blade leaves but never more. The White Castle parents were from feminized seeds so I will likely have 100% female from these seeds.
I know about Hermies and a lot of people will have opinions (some not so nice :)) about using pollen from a hermied female. I'm growing a batch of seeds that I created using a male flower I found on the female plant that had the 14 blade leaf.
I took the pollen sack from the hermied plant and isolated two healthy plants with no hermies, loosely tied a thin piece of sisal rope next to the top bud on a side branch and pollinated the plants two weeks into flowering.
One plant pollinated was a White Castle that had 11 blade fan leaves. The other plant was my own strain that I have had a long time. The seeds look great and 100% of them germinated. I germinated 6 seeds of each strain.
I'm doing this to see what results I get using the hermie pollen from the female plant that had the 14 blade leaf. I want to see if I will grow a plant with more than 11 blade fan leaves this batch?
I've always had 9 blade leaves on my strain but never more than 9. The White Castle strain I grow sometimes had leaves with as many as 11 blades.
I'm expecting to get at least one White Castle to grow 11 blade leaves this batch.
We should have an answer in a few weeks.
Right now they are in their permanent homes, 3 gallon pots using FF Ocean Forest. They are 4" to 5" tall. All but one have 7 blade leaves. They will be put into flowering in about 3 weeks.
Here are a few pictures.
Two pictures of the plant with the 14 blade leaf and its offspring, the newest set of leaves coming out of the small plant look like 9 blade leaves, it's about 5 " tall. The rest of the plants look similar. I will add pictures as they develop.
100_4819.JPG 100_4827.JPG

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
What are you feedin them thangs? Lol

That one has some leaflets on top too
They have been in FFOF for 11 days and only receive water. 4 parts RO (10ppm's) 1 part Tap (500 ppm's) usually makes the water between 160-180 ppm's. PH of the water is between 6.5-7.0. They won't be fed with any nutes for about 2 more weeks . Then most likely FF Big Bloom and some GO CaMg+.

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
24 hours later I captured a good picture of the 9 blade leaves on the plant shown in the 1st post and a profile picture of the plant at 4" tall. Averaging between 4" and 6" tall there are 4 plants with visible 9 blade leaves, yesterday I could only see the one pictured. They have been staying short and stocky while rooting. They are about to go into full veg. If I get a set of leaves with 11 blades, it will probably happen within the next two weeks.100_5266.JPG

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of the White Castle that was pollinated for the seeds used in this grow. It was chosen because it had 11 blade leaves and the best crystal. It looks pretty but It did not finish well. I got my own RO machine last grow and used 100% RO instead of my usual 80% RO and 20 % tap and had a calcium and magnesium def about 4 weeks into flowering. The buds didn't harden up and didn't develop all the flavors. This time I'm using the 80-20 mix and will add some Dolomite Lime soon. No other fertilizers will be given for a couple of weeks.

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
4 days later the plant shown in the 1st post has 3 sets of 9 blade leaves visible. They have been in 3 gallon pots of FFOF for 14 days. I'm adding 1 1/2 tbsp. of dolomite lime to the top soil. No other fertilizers will be added for a couple of weeks.

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
I can see a leaf with more than 9 blades on a plant that is now 9" tall. I'm pretty sure the small nub in the center of the leaf is the 10th blade. This happened about a week sooner than I was expecting so the chance for more than one plant with 11 blade leaves is getting more likely.

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
A leaf with 12 blades. All four leaves seen have at least 10 blades. The lower center leaf has 12 blades. 7-10 days before I switch the lights to 12-12.
Since my last post two days ago I now have 4 plants with more than 9 blade leaves.
12 bld.JPG

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
7 out of 12 plants have more than 9 blades one has 14 blades. I just switched lights to 12-12. One plant has this unusual leaf coming out of a leaf.



Well-Known Member
Is it really that bad that it's growing more leaflets? I mean. They are what powers its growth after all... Maybe it'll go crazy with the buds too.

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
Almost 3 weeks into flowering and I have 5 pics of multiple leaflet leaves from 3 different plants and a pic of the unique leaf. Sorry if the hps lights throw off the color.
The unique single leaf didn't get much bigger, I don't expect it will grow any larger. I'll add a couple of bud pics near harvest. I wouldn't do this again simply because the hermied pollen left me with hermied plants. I am controlling them but it takes a lot of time. I got rid of the 4 plants that hermied badly. The rest are tolerable but high maintenance. I will keep the seeds in storage for the next time I want to grow leaves :)
