Hermie..Dilemma Chop today?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have slight problem. I have 3 females 8 weeks into flowering. 2 of them look good the 3rd still could of gone a bit longer but I started flushing her to early (lesson learned).

My problem is this, early this morning I broke open a bud from a 4th girl I had in there, I chopped a bit early (lesson learned) and discovered a seed =/....

Now I'm wondering if I should just go head and chop the rest... or should I let them go another week or so. I'm sorry I cannot post any pics at the moment but if you look at my prior post there is a pic of her on 5-22 the same day as the post I think. Your Thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
it's rare but sometimes a plant will produce a seed without any pollen. Have you seen hermie signs on the plant other than the one seed?
Safest thing would probably just be to separate it if that's possible for you as if it is hermie it will pollenate the other plants, if it hasn't already.


Well-Known Member
No, I have not seen signs any of the 3 I have in there now.... but nor did I see signs on the 4th I had in there that popped the seed. I'm just concerned that I might be to late being that they are all in a confined space... and sadly I am not able to separate them.


Well-Known Member
I agree with MrFishy the damage is done at 8 weeks I would just keep an eye on the plant to make sure that it hasn't produced any male parts on it.
Like in the back corner or somewhere the light doesn't get to it as much or as consistently this could cause a plant to herm in one location of the plant and be normal in the rest.
In any case I would grow it out and maybe you could get some really good seeds.
Good luck and happy growing


Well-Known Member
and make sure suspect hermie is at the back of the pack if you're blowing a fan on them (so any incidental pollen would be behind the girls)