Herme castration?


Active Member
ive seen in a video where it is suggested that you take off all the male parts and let it continue to grow. My plant is two weeks into flowering and i have picked off every pod on every node i can see. Are those all the pods or are there more that i cant get to, maybe inside the female nodes?


Active Member
never had a hermie, but i do know that hermies arent usually arent as potent as females so it may not be worth pollinating the rest of your crop. if this is your only plant then i say you should keep it. also, be careful not to burst open the naners when picking them off.

edit: pretty sure the male flowers grow right back though.


Well-Known Member
I got a freebie seed in a shipment that has a tendency to hermie toward the end (takes a bit longer to finish up, that's when it gets all freaky). I keep an eye on "her" and pick the little guys off as I see them. They are pretty minimal - maybe five little sprouts on the whole plant - so I haven't really had any issue getting anyone else pregnant. I am a fan of coletrain smoke, super smooth and jazzy, and heavy production, so I don't mind the extra work and continue to clone "her." It's all part of the life, I suppose... I love my freaky lady!

I'd say give it a go, watch REALLY closely, and then when you are trimming see what you get. If you get five seeds or less, good job!


Active Member
ahahaha. Thank you for the encouragment. Ill make sure to be careful removing them. The plant only takes up about a square meter so i think i can get all of them over time since i tend to them daily.