Hermaphrodite and female in the same pot



It seems that 1 of my plants is starting to show signs of both sex so it seems to be a hermaphrodite.
The issue currently on hand is that i have a female plant in the same pot.

What should I do with the hermaphrodite? Should i remove it?



Well-Known Member
Well that sucks, But I have had that happen before and just kept pulling off the nanners and flowers until it was done, it take a lot to keep up on it, So if your not that dedicated just chop that one down and pray for the best.

best of luck I am sure it will be fine either way .... :)


So yeah I ended up chopping the hermie down :( Quite sad as the pistils were growing very nicely. But yeah, noticed too many sacs and that was it.

Will the roots and the stub for the cut off plant start growing another plant or die out?


Well-Known Member
If you can do it without tearing up the other plant. Pull the tap root out or there's a chance it will grow back. It'll sprout smaller funky growth around the cut stem. That's why the police spend so much time pulling plants up. That's the only way to make sure it's dead.