here's why my day was worse than yours


Well-Known Member
For a college class I was volunteering at a county hospital's emergency ward, and I got the undesired honor of watching a guy die directly in front of my eyes. He had multiple gun shot wounds in his stomach and had no chance of survival. His face was painted with vomit, and his toes were terrifyingly white (he was a black dude). I know people deal with this shit all the time (the ER staff seemed almost bored), but it is significant because today was my last day volunteering, and this was my first body, let alone my first time watching a living person transform into a hollow shell before my eyes. it was beyond gruesome, trust me

To add insult to injury, my car was broken in to in the parking lot, at least they didn't break anything (I never leave valuables in my car though, it's been looted too many times to count :cry:).

Im sorry to bitch, but this communitee has seen me through many a tough time, even if indirectly. just writing about this is therapeutic, now that I got it out I can smoke myself retarded. :peace:, my fellow delicate humans.
Dude your day definately beat the shit out of mine. But dont worry tomorrow will be better and there is nothing that the sweet sweet herb cant heal.