Heres Todays picture....IS IT READY to pull? 2


OK Heres all three pictures for you to look at....please let me know how long you feel I have, Im in southern ontario and its going down to not more than 5 degrees over freezing at night these days and they are only getting 5 hours of sun on these 2 gals, as you can also see I have them very close behind some tomatoe plants and against the brick of the house. They have been in the ground since 4inches in height on June 25th. OK I think that should be enough details...Thanks



3 1/2 feet or so.

I'd love to get them out sooner than later, what will the disadvantage be if I pull them within a week??


Will these buds still offer a high at this stage? Is it more than just size/yeild I am sacrificing by harvesting early?


Well-Known Member
It's not like you get nothing if you pull them out early but wtf? The plant will die if it gets too cold and then pull it! Why pull it prior to that? It's deff too early today but in a week better! Two weeks, Better still. Chill!!


patience never hurt nobody .... my damn sativa is taken its sweet time .... hasnt even really started budding yet ..... why oh why wont it start budding :cry:


Active Member
Pull them now and you will get high, for a sort period or time. Wait till they are ready and get really high without having to smoke half the plant. So yes, yield,and effect will suffer. Not like if you pull it now it will be ready to smoke now. Still need to dry, and (for best flavor) cure.


Well-Known Member
2 weeks to go. Looks like they could do with some P and K, should be fatter. The buds will double in size in the next 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
im with buds, wait another 2 weeks till harvesting.

i wouldnt feed her though... i would cut her off from food really soon(within 5 days), your smoke will taste better that way, no chances of nasty-ness


Active Member
if you are really worried about the cold you should
use some bark mulch and scatter it on top of your soil
it will help keep the plants roots warm over night
i use it and it works well
it looks like this: Mulch.jpg
it also helps prevent slugs and larger bugs like that from getting to your plant

so it should help give your plants some more time