here goes nothin... need expert opinions please!


Well-Known Member
alright.... so me and a few friends just moved in together... we're able to grow 18 plants legally with our cards combined.... we're gonna get 2x 1000w mh/hps convertible lights... was wondering what your opinions are for the quickest turn around. I smoke $300+ a week and i cant be doing that anymore, so im legal and im gonna grow it for myself. I have experience with outdoors but nothing with indoor / hydro. Please please please help me... I have the money, just waiting to spend it and get this shit started. I will post pics with what i come up with. Its gonna be in a garage with a window for ventilation and a window AC. I have no idea what else... help? Peace


Well-Known Member
i would suggest growing in a room where you can fit 9 plants and do a cycle. 1 wk for cloning in a humid dome, 3 weeks in veg, then 8 weeks in flower. after 4 weeks in flower take some new clones and you'll be harvesting every 8 weeks. or you could just do 18 smaller plants and harvest every 3 months.

but for 9 plants id use a 1000w hps. and for your veg room you could just use a 400w MH or just get a whole bunch of cfl's.


Well-Known Member
wow dude... you have a lot of thinking to do yet :) sounds like you might want to stick to something simple like soil versus starting with hydroponics. Your biggest issue growing in the garage is temp and humidity. Even though its legal are you concerned about the odor?

alright.... so me and a few friends just moved in together... we're able to grow 18 plants legally with our cards combined.... we're gonna get 2x 1000w mh/hps convertible lights... was wondering what your opinions are for the quickest turn around. I smoke $300+ a week and i cant be doing that anymore, so im legal and im gonna grow it for myself. I have experience with outdoors but nothing with indoor / hydro. Please please please help me... I have the money, just waiting to spend it and get this shit started. I will post pics with what i come up with. Its gonna be in a garage with a window for ventilation and a window AC. I have no idea what else... help? Peace


Well-Known Member
no offence dude but you have been a member since sept of 06 and you haven`t read enough to know what you need to start. you should have an idea at least what you want and list it to see if it works.
i do recomend sticking with a soilless mix to learn and organic nutes these are the easiest ways to learn. with hydro you need to know your plant deficiencies and solve them fast, not like soil.


Well-Known Member
thanks bonz... i actually did join up when i was lookin on moving out a couple years ago... shit didnt work out, and i kinda just dropped the whole thing. I still have knowledge of it, but it has to get re-said. Umm, So now thats said and done... Odor i believe will be a concern, but not a big concern... Im deciding what to do... Its either trays with SoG or 5 gallon buckets with a resevoir connecting half and another for the rest. Ideas? Thoughts? Please. =/


Well-Known Member
i hope you dont think i was slaming you.
i would stick with dirt untill you can throw the training wheels back into the closet. get at least one grow back under your belt, then if it comes back to you then switch to hydro. while your soil grow is going on then you can do more research and get materials over that time for the hydro.
nothing worse than doing hydro and not being 100% up on plant defficiencies, post a question and no one answers and your shit dies because you only have sometimes a couple hours to figure it out and solve it or thier gone. soil gives you more time, personaly i thunk it tastes better to.


Well-Known Member
I'll second that,organic is the way to go,unless you like harsh chemical herbs. some people do.....and wow I want a "card" I'd need a few more friend though. stick with dirt it's never let me down, and you have more of a grace period spoting and treating pest & nute def, careing for that many plants take time, lots of time. I'd try a raised bed design 2x6 -2x8 make a box line it with 10mil plastic ect ect ect, sun dial or lamp mover, irragation system, good ventalation...


Well-Known Member
well u should set ur room up by sections, one for clones, one for veg, and one for flower, then u could go hydro or soil, either way, i got hydro cuz its pretty damn easy. and yes u have to know all ur plant problems and be able to spot it on leaves, even from a, atleast i can, but i look at em all the time, newho...u'll need nutes, and you have to decide on what system to use for hydro, and for soil u will have to decide on soil, i recommend foxfarm for soil tho, after than u need lights, since ur in the garage, and if u do it by section, ur gonna need atleast 3 lights for all 3 rooms, depending on if u section it off tho, and how big ur make each room. get some gauges for ph, ppm, temps. and then ur pretty much set...i may have missed some things tho :)


Well-Known Member
thank you everybody for your help... well the plan is to get this shit started ASAP! im buying the lights next week... 2x 1000 watt like i said... im going to change the lamp in my closet from 400w hps to MH and just make those 2 bitches in there mothers.... i love al b fucts get a harvest every 2 weeks and thats kinda what im shooting for.... tips on resevoirs containers, pumps, exhaust, odor control, trays? <3 im gonna stick with fox farm nutes for the 1st couple grows just cuz i heard good things about it and thats what i got right now. I also have cal-mag, ph down, ph meter, i got some of the necessities but i need em all! please help and i really appreciate everybodys help so far!


Well-Known Member
just get the sales man at the store to help you out, they love shoping for people that haven`t done thier homework. if you`ve read anything then you should know what you need and post it and people might say if it will work. that way you will know better why you need it and how to use it.