Here comes season! DOWN UNER!

king cropalot

New Member
Hey guys and gals

Putting together a plan for this season and just looking for a run down of it from some of you beast's, been doing a bit of study lately and like to see if I had put together a half decent idea or a load of shit, any help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated :) thanks!

Bit of info, im in the south west of the west side of this great island AUSTRALIA. An shit does summer get hot down here, my plan is a guerrilla style grow of kind of a SOG approach with a few different autoflowering strains.
The area im planning the grow has a lot of bushes that the size of small stumpy marijuana plants so I figure that fit in rather nice! and that would be the first part of advice im looking for,' if anyone body can tell me some good autoflowering strains I should look into ordering.

im planning on digging holes and putting garbage bags in the holes with sufficient drainage hole's into the bags. then using the top layers of the native soil wich is extremely sandy! so I will be mixing 20% of that with 20% coco coir and 60% worm castings, with a hand of of dolomite lime to buffer ph and then ive found a product called rooster booster pellets I plan on putting in with a npk value of 3-2-2 and water thorough with some gogo juice mixed in to activate the biology in the soil nicely, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. at the start of season I will plant 10 seeds of the 2 strains a mix of both in two different spots with 5 each. and with our season being roughly six months here I would like to get in three runs of 10 plants by contiousley cloning over the season.

I don't want to plan too much further wouthout some advice if im heading the right direction, so please both advice and criticsm are greatly appreciated! thank you for reading :)


Well-Known Member
Don't bother cloning Auto flowers. why put trash cans in the holes? just fill holes with your mix. I'd go with a mix closer to say a super soil, you can look up the recipe on here. never heard of rooster booster pellets but sounds like a time released fert just be careful of those.

king cropalot

New Member
Thanks for the reply! Being here In a Australia all these super soils I find the recipe too I cant actually get my hands on 80% of the ingredients I see and im a bit worried about burning the plants as I never actually mixed anything up like that urghh is there a simple you could point me in the direction of, and the garbage bags are there because I feel it will hold water for longer being the place im growing can get extremely hot! and the soil being so sandy around the hole most of the water will just run through and the other portion evaporate, is this is a bit of a silly idea. Thanks for the info about the autoflowering plants is there a reason people don't do this?. thanks for your time :)

king cropalot

New Member
instead of using a slow realease fertilizer would it be more worth while looking into one I add into my watering, im trying to keep it completely organic. to prove to the assholes around me all good weed doesn't just come from artificial light and chemicals pffft


Well-Known Member
Great video from down unda [video=youtube;enR_a0oLZYI][/video]


Well-Known Member
auto flowers are basically on a timer from seed to flower. you plant seed and in 60 days(just an example) it blooms, if you take a cut at say at 30 days, the timer on the cut is 1/2 over. where a photo period flower will not start to flower till the light/dark period is around 12/12 you can artificially hold it in veg state so you take a cut and put it under say a 18/6 light cycle it will continue to veg till you change cycle to 12/12. yeah with your local soil being so sandy I guess not a bad ideal to contain your moisture. there are pellets you can get that will help hold the moisture too.

king cropalot

New Member
you beaut dibbsey, what a true aussie. very imforative video cheers for that!

I understand completely slowandsteady! greatly explained thanks heaps for that. im deffinetly going to have to invest in a bigger amount of seeds! maybe add a few more strains :P gotta love variety!
that's a nice idea too, that's why I asked you guys! :D


Well-Known Member
you see what he does in that viedo? he hoes out a plot and powders the ground with nutrients and potash to make the soil there good. This is what i am going to be doing next year as a friend and I had to carry 30, 70 pound bags a kilometere away (0.6Milles). My soil here is good 'nuff to keep moisture but if you need help with that like slowandsteady said above you can buy vermiculite, and other moisture holding additvives to add to the ground. Verm is squishy and soft and holds water very well.

king cropalot

New Member
*whistles* sounds like your going for a decent plot! yes great idea i reckon, deffinietely looking like an approach i want to take. any advice one what to dust nutrient wise to get an optimal amount of growth. or pretty much anything that's going to cover all the micro nuetrients! i like the idea of vermiculite sounds like it would reduce watering a bit wich is great for us guerrillas! being my native soil is almost all sand, is the coco coir worth putting in or just like a 30 native /60 worm castings /10 vermiculite mix would that be better than say 30 native/ 20 coco coir/ 40 worm casting/ 10 vermiculite. i like the idea of how light it is and mixing it with water at the site, but if its not worth it well its not worth it and im happy to do a bit more lifting.

thanks for your time!


Well-Known Member
I would say either should work well for you. And what we did this year was dig 40+ holes, 10 here, 10 there, was such a bitch. Breaking out a hoe and hoeing a few patches will be much easier then digging because I have a natural very rocky soil a foot under, but that's good for drainage. And nute products range if different places, try to find an all round nutrient with even ratio numbers to put in the soil before hand. Or try to find some blood meal nutrients, fish bone nutes and some potash and just mix it all up to put in the soil. remember to let sit for a few days or so before you plant also. let everything even out and stuff etc.

king cropalot

New Member
HAHA ill say, 40 holes sounds like some painful work, should imagine with that amount of holes it paid off :P! I like the idea of the hoeing, since this is my first shot at this, im gonna give that a crack an hoe one plot and completely amend it, and do another with the holes. see if the holes are really worth it, alright awesome. I cant get my hands on any of the blood meal or bone. only this one that's mixed together and seems lame 5-1-1. but there are just plenty of nitrogen suppliments I can put into the soil ontop of the nitrogen in my worm castings . here in aussie its just not ease to get phosphate but I think I found a good plce to get rockphospate ive heard that can be a good source do you reckon that would the be worth looking into.. and for the potash how do you recommend I approach that some sulphate of patash I think its called ? or something like what kog did and sprinkle a whole lof of wood ashes around. cheers for the great information you've been a bucket load of help already!! :D