Hercules vs. Std. Pots


Well-Known Member
So far, have used the largest Hercules pots available (35L = ~9.25Gal). Compared side by side with standard "full-size" 10 gallon in a 2K top-light (x2 - 1k AC/DE Gavita Pro Plus bulbs). Two separate runs: First Run: was Diamond OG, a heavy yielding plant in vertical grow (689g/plant), potent smell, trim was virtually useless for extraction, however. Under top-light, 10 plants, 10 gallon and HERCULES pots (half and half). Soil was mixed potting/coco/perlite. scrog. Yield was 1922g, there were micro differences between the different pots but the numbers were all over...so there wasn't much of a difference in the end. Second run: was all Red OG same setup. yield was larger 2322g. Same results between the pots. IMO, the Hercules were not effective enough to purchase at a slightly higher cost and a smaller sized overall pot.