Herbal Blends???



haha true. who knows, maybe this stuff isnt even worth it. im just desperate for anything =[
It isn't worth it. It's ALMOST the same price as weed and the effects are totally balls compared to weed, BUT. SOME of the products give you great relaxation feelings. Everything else is a waste of money. Better off buying a hookah and getting "buzzed" off smoke intoxication.

Either way if you're in a dry season or on probation and need a LITTLE relief.

Legalherbalshop.com ; Zohai Rx. A last ditch effort to feel like you smoke a little pot. :roll:

The only people hating and debunking legal herbs are the stoners who always have weed and continue to think that people are selling LEGAL WEED. They're not, the people saying that like international oddities are scams and fucking morons. Legaherbalshop is what it is. A shop for different herbs and most you can buy in straight leaf form. They don't try to sell fake weed, they try to sell their herbs with over exaggerated effects.


Well-Known Member
It isn't worth it. It's ALMOST the same price as weed and the effects are totally balls compared to weed, BUT. SOME of the products give you great relaxation feelings. Everything else is a waste of money. Better off buying a hookah and getting "buzzed" off smoke intoxication.

Either way if you're in a dry season or on probation and need a LITTLE relief.

Legalherbalshop.com ; Zohai Rx. A last ditch effort to feel like you smoke a little pot. :roll:

The only people hating and debunking legal herbs are the stoners who always have weed and continue to think that people are selling LEGAL WEED. They're not, the people saying that like international oddities are scams and fucking morons. Legaherbalshop is what it is. A shop for different herbs and most you can buy in straight leaf form. They don't try to sell fake weed, they try to sell their herbs with over exaggerated effects.
Sorry to break the news but like I said I have been doing this for a while. Tried a ton and Pulse is far far better then zohai.....


Sorry to break the news but like I said I have been doing this for a while. Tried a ton and Pulse is far far better then zohai.....
You're not breaking any news quick-wit-draw mcgraw, I said I got my medical card so I have no need for it. Therefor I haven't tried anything else. That's great it's better, yay for the herbal smokers. :roll:


Well-Known Member
A lot of your info is valid although I don't think I would feel very comfortable trusting them over the Herbal Hut...

Sites like the one you posted just seem not professional nor caring towards quality...

I like professional and I love quality.
Bouncing bear botanicals is one of the most trusted and respected Ethnobotanical sites on the net.
any ethnobotanical conniseur will tell you.
I've ordered Salvia, San Pedro, Kratom, K2, and thebroma extract from them. All of it high quality.

To the poster trying to prove legal buds atre a fake , we are not discussing legal buds but Herbal Blends.

Many contain Sinicuichi which is intoxicating on its own and this is not debatable.

Many contain Labrador Tea, alson intoxicating on its own.

Some contain Mash Labrador Tea which affects the central nervous system.

Some contain Klip Dagga which is somewhat intoxicating.

some use wild dagga, Known to be intoxicating.

Some contain hops.Which contain alkoloids known to promote appetite and induce sleep.

some contain Wild Lettuce. With an opiate effect.

Not to mention some contain canniabinoid research chemicals such as cp 55,940 ,CP 47,497 , JWH-073 , and my personal favorite I use on its own JWH-018. just 2 mg's gets me stoned. thats 500 doses per gram.

herbal blends from the right places are not the same thing as Legal buds.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried Pulse or Strawberry Chillin? Both great blends.

I got an LU Dove sample I will be throwing it down shortly!


Have you tried Pulse or Strawberry Chillin? Both great blends.

I got an LU Dove sample I will be throwing it down shortly!

I'm familiar with many of these 'herbal blends', and have a buddy that smokes them religiously, as he gets randoms...... pulse is alright, just like any other "spice" product, which leads me to believe that the "JWH" claims may be true...

but i have to agree with the vast majority here and say that most of these "blends", you can blend your damn self for around $15 a lb... except for the jwh crap, but even that can be bought for around $75 a gram. the "pulse", (at my local headshop), goes for $58+tax for 3g... that is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Yeah online has always been cheaper for me.

I do feel though that it does not take as much of the herbal smoke to get me blasted as it does weed.

It would cost me more to purchase some good nugs that are just as strong gram for gram so instead I stick to these blends.

Money has been an issue for me lately... :cry: Until it isn't I do not have much of a choice.

Please don't get me wrong though... Nothing beats some good bud.