Hemp hearts...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I just got back from Costco. I bought a bag of "hemp hearts", $14.99, which are supposedly part of the seed of hemp plants. You are supposed to sprinkle them on your yogurt, cereal, etc. Never heard of them before today. I bought them just to give a big, hearty "fuck you" to the drug warriors. Kudos to CostCo for carrying them.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Tragedy is a dish best served cold.

That was supposed to be a semi snarky comment, but it actually makes a lot of sense.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
In the grand Politics tradition ... post recipes! cn

It is a simple recipe:

1. One tragedy, best if children are involved.
2. Stew over the tragedy for several months until the heat and emotion are dissolved.
3. If new legislation would have prevented said tragedy, then legislate, otherwise do nothing.
4. Do nothing to punish innocent parties.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Did a google on hemp hearts. Could all be propaganda but it looks like HH will bring on stronger orgasms, cures cancer, lowers cholesterol if yours is high and raises it if yours is low, and increases all children's IQ to above average. My wife just tasted a handful and says they taste "nutty".


Staff member
14.99? disgusting i buy mine for like 5$. and no you wont test positive for thc, i also drink hemp milk yummie

desert dude

Well-Known Member
well from what i can tell you dont live in canada so its a canadian company but im sure you have something similar its basically like bulk foods in bins you bagg yourself
I had never heard of Bulk Barn before, but it is probably similar to a generic "health foods" store. Where I live, most of the time, we don't even have one of those. I happen to be in Reno, NV right now and there are all kinds of stores around here. I bought the hemp seeds at CostCo. It was $14.99 for 28 ounces...

They taste like moist sun flower seeds to me. I like them. I can't wait for them to raise/lower my cholesterol and give me more powerful orgasms.


Staff member
I had never heard of Bulk Barn before, but it is probably similar to a generic "health foods" store. Where I live, most of the time, we don't even have one of those. I happen to be in Reno, NV right now and there are all kinds of stores around here. I bought the hemp seeds at CostCo. It was $14.99 for 28 ounces...

They taste like moist sun flower seeds to me. I like them. I can't wait for them to raise/lower my cholesterol and give me more powerful orgasms.
i wouldnt say health food because it has everything from bulk candy to hemp hearts but
spinach, strawberry salad topped with hemp hearts
or on yogurt , they are also good in smoothies and in juicing. are you new to the whole health food thing or? just seen them and was like i need those?!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
i wouldnt say health food because it has everything from bulk candy to hemp hearts but
spinach, strawberry salad topped with hemp hearts
or on yogurt , they are also good in smoothies and in juicing. are you new to the whole health food thing or? just seen them and was like i need those?!
I happened to be at CostCo because I wanted some extra virgin olive oil. Their store brand is excellent quality and cheap ($12 for 2 liters). I also bought a jug of Avocado oil for cooking. They had a big display of Hemp Hearts, so I bought a bag. The wife likes them and so do I. Unfortunately, we won't be able to get them at our normal residence. I think I will put them in a salad. I make a delicious Vinaigrette, so they will go good in a salad with V dressing.

I am not new to health foods, I just pretty much ignore them. It seems to me to be a sort of religion and I have little patience with religions.