

Well-Known Member
Woke up this morning and had a little frost on my windshield. Bout had a heat attack. Left my 2 week old girls out last night because the low was supposed to be 38 f. Are they screwed, or will they be ok? Anything I can do, besides praying?


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Didnt want to have to start over. It was a mild frost btw. Temps will be 70 f later today. Hopefully they'll perk up like normal.


Active Member
What do they look like, by the end of the day you should be able to tell, if the leaves turn down are a off dark green, then you might have a problem. Watch at the break of the stem to leave branch to see if regrowth begins in a few days. Hope all is well, sorry to hear, I have done the same though. Just be happy you don't have my weather, still got 2-3 feet of snow on the ground. Yuck.