HELP x2! Beginning of 4th Wk of Flowering, Plants Got Ugly Fast PICS!

This is my first aero grow and after not killing at first with overaggressive nutes, they were freakin' flourishing. Turned lights to 12/12 4 weeks ago, everything was cool. I flush my 8 gal res weekly, nutes are now at 1200PPM. This last Friday one of the 5 plants starting looking a little droopy. Then yesterday am (Sat), it was really drooping and his neighbor started looking droopy too. I flushed the res yesterday, hoping the fresh water/nutes would liven things up, but this morning the 2 droops are droopier and now another healthy plant is looking droopy too.
I attached some pics, all of a sudden these spots appeared on the leaves. There is also a shot of roots, is this root rot or stained roots? I couldn't get a good pic of it, but I did notice one plants roots kinda had what looked like a gel coating on it, kinda slimy. Oiy. Here's my vitals:
Room: 80/60% Hum
Res: Water temp: 79/PH 5.6/1200 ppm/8 gal tank/tub drains back into res
Homemade aero w/1/2" pvc manifold
Humboldt Nutes: Grow, Micro, Bloom, Sea Mag, Flavorful, Ginormous
Man, I'm just freakin' out. My babies, they are gonna die. Should I trim the roots? I read on one post about some stuff that will help kill the root rot, hydrosomething, every hear of it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Even if I loose this first grow, I am determined to make this work. I have learned a bunch so far and have a long way to go. Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
clean it all out quick!!!! h202 and pray!!! what are you feeding them what is your res temp? what is your feeding cycle?
I have the same system and i would take the plant out and flush it under the sink with ure hands and clean them up real good dont be afraid to handle the roots under the water. I use all botanicare nutes.. They are pure blend grow and bloom also liquid karma and cal mag all are in the botanicare family..Mix 500 ml of grow or bloom then 180 ml of liquid karma and 180 ml of cal mag in one gallon of distilled water this is ure new mix .. ppm are at 2000 all the way through flowering veg is at 1200-1500 ppm clones 500 -750 ppm. This is bullet proof never had any problems always use distilled water..Ph is 5.8 Do everything else the same such as changing ure resivours..This will produce for u i promise.. i produce some of the finest medicine with this set up...Sometimes people just do to much..flush those roots and u can trim them a bit to and restart with botanicare and never have this problem again..
Thanks for the replies. In order to remove a plant I had to do some root trimmin', they were all intermingled and tied together, but removed most of the bad stuff with them. I flushed the reservoir again, with clear water, and will now do the root cleaning in the sink, then flush again. Should I add the nutes? What about the spots in the other pics? Any ideas what is causing that? Gotta be some sort of unbalance.
My res temp is 79, room is 80 with 60% hum. My 396gpm pump runs 1 min on/4 off 24/7. 250 watts of LED at 12/12. All Humboldt nutes.
Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
your rez is to hot. I've never used humbolt nutes but I hear some good stuff bout them I prefer Canna myself there failsafe you shuld give em a shot. you need to bring down your rez temp no matter what tho! let us know how everything turns out also get a real light led's suck ass!


Well-Known Member
also if you do insist on using a weak light source than your nute solution should really never exceed 800ppm you are not giving them enough light to use that much food. just my 2c
How do you keep your res temp down? I keep a gal of ro water in the fridge, that's about what I was adding a day, to help keep the temp down. But if the room is like a constant 80, short of ice, how do you keep your res temp below the room temp? I've read where res temps are most excellent at 68-70, just not sure how to achieve that hurdle. What temp is your res at and how do you keep it there? Thanks, man.


Well-Known Member
they have rez chillers look into hydroGen they have a good one there are tons of other brands that work aswell check into them.


Well-Known Member
or if you can, keep your rez outside of your room.My rez never gets that hot and I run 1800-3600 watts of hps in my grows


I use a nute chiller and keep the rez at 64F and tank bubbler. High rez temps breed nasties. Use 3ml of 30% H2O2 per gallon of rez, every other day. It increases O2 to the plants and will help keep you out of trouble. I have a custom system I built myself, and I give them the 3ml/gal in every add, which is about 5 gal/day. I'm using water cooled lights and A/C and I'm at 82F/45% day, 68F/45-50% night. I have the lights about 5" from the plants and I'm running 3000w over 5x10'. It really stresses the plants and you have to be very careful with the PH/EC control. I'm running 600PPM at this stage with no visible nute burn. I'm jacking it up slowly. I am at 4weeks flowering, and I will be flushing the system shortly to start bringing the EC down( 2 more weeks ). When you do flush, make sure you run a high concentration of H2O2 for a short period to make sure you kill all the nasties, but it requires you to pull the plants to do it. If you can't, then add 2ml/gal every day till you know the nasties are gone. If you haven't been putting in the H2O2, be careful. My roots are accustomed to it, but you do not want to shock the plant. Just the way I'm doing it and I have about 1/2lb buds per plant already. Can't wait to see the final product. Also, if you want to go high watts/sqft, you have to have CO2 or you'll really stress the babies. My A/C unit does exchange air between in and out, and that has made CO2 control a bitch. I'm currently installing a coil in the condenser airstream so I can recycle the air and keep my CO2 in.

PS: 65F water holds multiple times the O2 than 75F water. That should tell you you've got to get that rez temp down. I have a dissolved oxygen meter, and it is definitely true


Well-Known Member
I use a nute chiller and keep the rez at 64F and tank bubbler. High rez temps breed nasties. Use 3ml of 30% H2O2 per gallon of rez, every other day. It increases O2 to the plants and will help keep you out of trouble. I have a custom system I built myself, and I give them the 3ml/gal in every add, which is about 5 gal/day. I'm using water cooled lights and A/C and I'm at 82F/45% day, 68F/45-50% night. I have the lights about 5" from the plants and I'm running 3000w over 5x10'. It really stresses the plants and you have to be very careful with the PH/EC control. I'm running 600PPM at this stage with no visible nute burn. I'm jacking it up slowly. I am at 4weeks flowering, and I will be flushing the system shortly to start bringing the EC down( 2 more weeks ). When you do flush, make sure you run a high concentration of H2O2 for a short period to make sure you kill all the nasties, but it requires you to pull the plants to do it. If you can't, then add 2ml/gal every day till you know the nasties are gone. If you haven't been putting in the H2O2, be careful. My roots are accustomed to it, but you do not want to shock the plant. Just the way I'm doing it and I have about 1/2lb buds per plant already. Can't wait to see the final product. Also, if you want to go high watts/sqft, you have to have CO2 or you'll really stress the babies. My A/C unit does exchange air between in and out, and that has made CO2 control a bitch. I'm currently installing a coil in the condenser airstream so I can recycle the air and keep my CO2 in.

PS: 65F water holds multiple times the O2 than 75F water. That should tell you you've got to get that rez temp down. I have a dissolved oxygen meter, and it is definitely true
what medium are you using? h202 is def the key!!! but you use it every time you change your rez? also I use Canna nutes and they specificly say on the bottle not to use with any peroxide. have you ever had any experiance with them? sorry to hijack this thread btw


Well-Known Member
H202 is key in hydro. Can't use it with Beneficial or anything organic though, must use with chemical nutes or the peroxide will kill the bacteria making that much more of a mess in your res.