help with pollinating / pheno question


Well-Known Member
i got one for you, and yes thank you for your offering of help in the growing of goodness.

I will be attempting to pollinate a plant for the first time. I am in the beggining of the third week of flowering, and have just now been able to start collecting pollen from the male plant.

I have twisty tied little containers under the maleflowers so the pollen falls into the containers.

my question to you is.....

is this an affective method of pollen collecting or would you recceomend something else.
Also what would be the best method for pollinating the female with a miniml number of seeds. (i would hope for around 50 ideally) as to not sacrafice too much yield and potency

my male is in a seperte closet of my room from the females.

also, while the same strain (Lowryder2) the plants have grown very differently for the 2 females i was lucky to get. was this a phenotype issue or a freak/dwarf plant, and if it were a pheno issue, would i be able to get all taller plants by seeding the larger plant as oppossed to the smaller one or is it one of those recessive trait things where it will be random.

if that were the case i could seed the small plant and have a full harvest on the large one.

all help is appreciated


Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
My method to collect pollen is after you see the flowers start to open, clip the open ones off into a film container (the black ones work best as you can see the pollen better) and give it a good shake. After that you should have a good bit of pollen at the bottom. Then I just take a small paint brush (a new one of course) or a feather and pollenate the buds of my choice. You of course take the plant that you are pollenating away from the others when you do the deed so you don't have an accident. It works like a champ, good luck.

You can freeze it for a while but it doesn't keep very long unless you vacuum seal it.


Well-Known Member
My method to collect pollen is after you see the flowers start to open, clip the open ones off into a film container (the black ones work best as you can see the pollen better) and give it a good shake. After that you should have a good bit of pollen at the bottom. Then I just take a small paint brush (a new one of course) or a feather and pollenate the buds of my choice. You of course take the plant that you are pollenating away from the others when you do the deed so you don't have an accident. It works like a champ, good luck.

You can freeze it for a while but it doesn't keep very long unless you vacuum seal it.

ty Lil Czr...

when using this method, how many branches are you pollinating and what is the overall result in seed production (number of seeds)

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I will only pollenate a few of the smallest buds that are the lowest on the plant, that way you aren't seeding up you good buds.

That will usually get me anywhere from 20 to 100 seeds.

If you need a lot of seeds, you can pollinate a couple of the larger buds and get hundreds.

A plant is capable of producing thousands of seeds. It just depends on how many you want.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
That would be hard to say from just a pic, it depends on what traits you are looking to preserve. I would just do a couple on both unless you are familiar with the strains, because you just never know what they are going to do late in flower. Because you might pollinate one and the other turn out to have the better genes.


Well-Known Member
so i took the stoner approach and just poured pollen on the lower sites like it was cocaine and just pilled it up on them. let it sit around 30 min them dusted it all of a d returned to the growroom.

will be back to post about sucess/failures on this technique


Well-Known Member
so i took the stoner approach and just poured pollen on the lower sites like it was cocaine and just pilled it up on them. let it sit around 30 min them dusted it all of a d returned to the growroom.

will be back to post about sucess/failures on this technique

great success