help with planting


Well-Known Member
yeh you can do,you should germ um first tho to make sure you know what seeds are good and which arnt,,,,,,,,,
but your in the uk,and the weather here at the moment is abit dodgy,cold at night,wet and occassionally sunny as you know,so id personally get um started indoors first then when there strong enough,put um outside,it should be much warmer by then,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
yeah thats what i want to do but am still at parents house and they wont accept it which is understandable, so i have to start them outside, im thinkin off starting a week today. Thanks man


Well-Known Member
you can germinate out side.

just make sure to mulch the plot after you put the seeds in and give a damn good watering,
the mulch should keep the soil moist and warm so the seeds can germinate.

then when you see a little plant gently move the mulch back from the plant stem.


Well-Known Member
any dead veg matter .straw or hay. wood chips,that is not that important if the area you are growing in has a lot of leaf litter use that.(as long as it is not pine needles)

and thanks for the rep,glad to be of some help