help with nutes


Hi guys,
OK,so I've started a grow(3 super critical & 3 blueberry gum) all is going well and the seeds were planted 2\3 weeks ago,growing in biobizz allmix.
I bought a canna nutes package which contains - canna start, coco a+b,canazym,rhizotonic,Pk 13\14,boost & flush.
My problem is that I'm not entirely sure what everything does!last week I started to add canna start to feeds,but i have read in other places that the rhizotonic could be used at this stage.
What should I be feeding my plants?also if someone had 5 minutes to tell me what all the above nutes do & when they should be used,then that'd be much appreciated!

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
at 3 weeks your plants can go easily for another week or so on zero nute, as its a weed ...weeds grow in crap and live of nothing, remember that once you understand nute burn and have yellowing leaves, you should remember this advice, cautiion at all times with nutes, get a bottle of Biobiz, follow the instructions feed only half as much!


Will the canna stuff be no good then?don't really fancy spending another £70 on more nutes if I don't have too



Well-Known Member
2 thing to keep in mind, many of the canna nutes are a total fucking ripoff, and the cheapest nute is your pee at 1 x teaspoon per gallon of water ...veg only, due to the high (N) content


That's great Danny thanks,will help me a lot I'm sure!!

this pic is one of my super critical,few of the leaves are kinda curling a little bit,although they hav been gettin a regular spray,hopefully will be fine though!!

